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.NET MAUI DateTimePicker Localization

Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DateTimePicker provides language localization. In short, you can translate the used across the DateTimePicker texts to other languages, so that your app can be adapted to different regions.

DateTimePicker localization keys

Localization Key Default Value
DateTimePicker_Popup_HeaderLabelText Select Date and Time
DateTimePicker_PlaceholderLabelText Select Date and Time

Common Picker Localizations keys

Localization Key Default Value
Picker_AmPmSpinnerHeaderLabelText AM/PM
Picker_DaySpinnerHeaderLabelText Day
Picker_HourSpinnerHeaderLabelText Hours
Picker_MinuteSpinnerHeaderLabelText Minutes
Picker_SecondSpinnerHeaderLabelText Seconds
Picker_MonthSpinnerHeaderLabelText Month
Picker_YearSpinnerHeaderLabelText Year
Picker_Popup_AcceptButtonText Ok
Picker_Popup_CancelButtonText Cancel
Picker_DropDown_AcceptButtonText Ok
Picker_DropDown_CancelButtonText Cancel

important To learn in details about the localization process of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI components, please go through the common Localization and Globalization topic.

Check in the image below how the localization strings are presented in Date and Time Picker:

MAUI localization for DateTimePicker

See Also

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