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Filtering UI

The .NET MAUI DataGrid provides you with a built-in filtering functionality, which allows the user to filter the data by one or more columns by clicking on the filtering icon next to the header text.

Filtering UI

The Filtering UI appears when clicking the filtering icon in each column's header.

You can control whether the Filtering UI is available to the end users for the whole DataGrid with the UserFilterMode property:

  • UserFilterMode(DataGridUserFilterMode)—Defines whether the filtering icon is present in the header of the currently available filterable columns. The available options are Auto, Enabled, and Disabled. The default value of the UserFilterMode is Auto.

The DataGrid columns expose the following properties related to the Filtering UI:

  • CanUserFilter(bool)—Indicates whether the user can filter this column by using the built-in Filtering UI. By default, the value is True.

  • ShowDistinctValuesFilter(bool)—Defines whether the distinct values are included in the Filtering UI. By default, the value is True.

  • FilterContentTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the content template of the DataGrid Columns Filter and overriding the default template.

Events related to DistinctValuesFilter:

  • DistinctValuesLoading event—Occurs when loading the distinct values that will be displayed in the Telerik.Maui.Controls.DataGrid.DataGridDistinctValuesFilterView. The DistinctValuesLoading event handler receives two parameters:
    • The sender argument, which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadDataGrid type.
    • A DistinctValuesLoadingEventArgs object, which provides the following properties:
      • DistinctValues—Is a property which specifies a list of values of type IEnumerable which are to be displayed in the DataGridDistinctValuesFilterView.
      • Column—Is a readonly property of type DataGridColumn which gets the column for which the distinct values are being loaded.

See Also

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