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.NET MAUI ComboBox Filtering

The Telerik UI for .NET MAUI ComboBox provides filtering, which allows the users to refine their search results as they type into the input field. The default filtering is performed according to the SearchMode and SearchTexhPath properties of the ComboBox.

For more details on the search functionality of the ComboBox, go to the Edit Mode & Search topic.

This topic describes in detail the configuration options related to the filtering feature of the ComboBox:

  • IsFilteringEnabled(bool)—Indicates whether the filtering is enabled. Its default value is False.
  • FilteredItems(IReadOnlyCollection<object>)—Gets the filtered items collection.
  • NoResultsMessage(string)—Defines the message visualized when no items match the applied filter.
  • NoResultsTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the DataTemplate visualized when no items match the applied filter.

Here is a quick example of RadComboBox with enabled filtering:

1. First, add the ComboBox definition with IsEditable, IsFilteringEnabled and SearchMode applied:

<telerik:RadComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                     NoResultsMessage="No items found." />

2. Add the ViewModel class:

public class ViewModel
    public ViewModel()
        this.Items = new ObservableCollection<City>
            new City { Name = "Tokyo", Population = 13929286 },
            new City { Name = "New York", Population = 8623000 },
            new City { Name = "London", Population = 8908081 },
            new City { Name = "Madrid", Population = 3223334 },
            new City { Name = "Los Angeles", Population = 4000000},
            new City { Name = "Paris", Population = 2141000 },
            new City { Name = "Beijing", Population = 21540000 },
            new City { Name = "Singapore", Population = 5612000 },
            new City { Name = "New Delhi", Population = 18980000 },
            new City { Name = "Bangkok", Population = 8305218 },
            new City { Name = "Berlin", Population = 3748000 },

    public ObservableCollection<City> Items { get; set; }

3. Add the City data item:

public class City
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Population { get; set; }

Here is the result:

Telerik .NET MAUI ComboBox Filtering

Custom Filtering Behavior

You can override the default item filtering logic by applying custom filtering in the ComboBox. In this case the built-in search is performed upon the filtered items. To implement a custom filter:

  1. Create a custom class that inherits from ComboBoxFilteringBehavior and override its FilterItems method with a custom filtering condition.
  2. Assign the ComboBoxFilteringBehavior to the FilteringBehavior property of the ComboBox.

  • FilteringBehavior(ComboBoxFilteringBehavior)—Defines the filtering behavior used to filter items.

Here is a quick example which demonstrates the custom filtering behavior—the items are filtered not only by the entered search text, but also according to the Population property.

1. Create a custom filtering behavior class:

public class CustomFilteringBehavior : ComboBoxFilteringBehavior
    public override IList<object> FilterItems(string searchText, SearchMode searchMode, string path, IEnumerable source)
        return source.OfType<City>().Where(city => city.Name.Contains(searchText, System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                                          (city.Population > 5000000)).ToList<object>();

2. Assign it to the ComboBox instance:

<telerik:RadComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                     Placeholder="cities with > 5 million population">
        <local:CustomFilteringBehavior />

For the purpose of the example, use the same ViewModel and City data item as in the previous filtering example.

Here is the result after applying the custom filtering behavior:

Telerik .NET MAUI ComboBox Custom Filtering

See Also

In this article