series.autoFit Boolean (default: false)

If set to true, the Chart automatically scales down to fit the content area. Applicable for the Pie and Donut series.

The autoFit option is supported when series.type is set to "pie" or "donut".

Example - set the chart series autoFit
<div id="chart" style="width: 200px;"></div>
var data = [{
  kind: 'Solar', share: 0.052
}, {
  kind: 'Wind', share: 0.225
}, {
  kind: 'Other', share: 0.192
}, {
  kind: 'Hydroelectric', share: 0.175
}, {
  kind: 'Nuclear', share: 0.238
}, {
  kind: 'Coal', share: 0.118

  dataSource: { data: data },
  series: [{
      type: "pie",
      field: "share",
      categoryField: "kind",
      autoFit: true,
      labels: {
        color: "#000",
        position: "outsideEnd",
        template: "#: category #",
        visible: true
  legend: {
    visible: false
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