seriesDefaults.border Object

The border of the series.

Example - set the chart series border

<div id="chart"></div>
  seriesDefaults: {
    border: {
      color: "green",
      width: 2
  series: [
    { data: [1, 2, 3] }

seriesDefaults.border.color String (default: "black")

The color of the border. Accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb.

Example - set the chart series border color

<div id="chart"></div>
  seriesDefaults: {
    border: {
      color: "green",
      width: 2
  series: [
    { data: [1, 2, 3] }

seriesDefaults.border.dashType String (default: "solid")

The dash type of the chart series border.

The following dash types are supported:

  • "dash" - a line consisting of dashes
  • "dashDot" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot
  • "dot" - a line consisting of dots
  • "longDash" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash
  • "longDashDot" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot
  • "longDashDotDot" - a line consisting of a repeating pattern of long-dash-dot-dot
  • "solid" - a solid line

Example - set the chart series border dash type

<div id="chart"></div>
  seriesDefaults: {
    border: {
      dashType: "dashDot",
      width: 2
  series: [
    { data: [1, 2, 3] }

seriesDefaults.border.width Number (default: 0)

The width of the border in pixels. By default the border width is set to zero which means that the border will not appear.

Example - set the chart series border width

<div id="chart"></div>
  seriesDefaults: {
    border: {
      width: 2
  series: [
    { data: [1, 2, 3] }
In this article