measures Array|Object

The configuration of measures. A string array whose values are interpreted as the name of the measures that will be loaded. Measures can be defined as a list of objects with the name and type fields.

    name: "[Measures].[_Internet Current Quarter Sales Performance Status]",
    type: "status"

The type value can be defined to status or trend to render kpiStatusTemplate or kpiTrendTemplate. If type is not defined, then the dataCellTemplate will be used.

Example - set the measures

<div id="pivot"></div>

var dataSource = new{
  type: "xmla",
  measures: ["[Measures].[Reseller Freight Cost]"],
  transport: {
    connection: {
        catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008R2",
        cube: "Adventure Works"
    read: ""
  schema: {
    type: "xmla"

  dataSource: dataSource

measures.values Array

A string array whose values are interpreted as the name of the measures that will be loaded.

Example - set the measures

<div id="pivot"></div>

var dataSource = new{
  type: "xmla",
  measures: {
      values: ["[Measures].[Reseller Freight Cost]"]
  transport: {
    connection: {
        catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008R2",
        cube: "Adventure Works"
    read: ""
  schema: {
    type: "xmla"

  dataSource: dataSource

measures.axis String (default: columns)

The name of the axis on which the measures will be displayed. The supported values are the rows or columns. This option is applicable if multiple measures are used.

Example - set the axis of the measures

<div id="pivot"></div>

var dataSource = new{
  type: "xmla",
  measures: {
      values: ["[Measures].[Internet Revenue Trend]", "[Measures].[Internet Revenue Status]"],
      axis: "rows"
  transport: {
    connection: {
        catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008R2",
        cube: "Adventure Works"
    read: ""
  schema: {
    type: "xmla"

  dataSource: dataSource
In this article