transport Object

The configuration used to load data items and discover schema information. Object|String|Function

The configuration which is used when the data source discovers the schema information about the current cube.

The data source uses jQuery.ajax to make an HTTP request to the remote service. The value that is configured through is passed to jQuery.ajax. This means that you can set all options that are supported by jQuery.ajax with except for the success and error callback functions which are used by the transport.

  • If the value of is a function, the data source invokes that function instead of jQuery.ajax.
  • If the value of is a string, the data source uses this string as the URL of the remote service.
  • If the value of is omitted, the data source uses for schema discovery.

Example - set the discover remote service

var dataSource = new{
  type: "xmla",
  transport: {
    connection: {
        catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008R2",
        cube: "Adventure Works"
    discover: "",
    read: ""
  schema: {
    type: "xmla"
dataSource.schemaDimensions().done(function(dimensions) {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */

transport.connection Object

The configuration that is used for setting the connection options.

transport.connection.catalog String

The catalog name.

Example - set the connection catalog name

var dataSource = new{
  type: "xmla",
  transport: {
    connection: {
        catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008R2"
    read: "",
  schema: {
    type: "xmla"


transport.connection.cube String

The cube name in the current data source.

Example - set the cube catalog name

var dataSource = new{
  type: "xmla",
  transport: {
    connection: {
        catalog: "Adventure Works DW 2008R2",
        cube: "Adventure Works"
    read: "",
  schema: {
    type: "xmla"
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