schema Object
The schema configuration of the PivotDataSource.
schema.axes Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the axes data of the columns and rows. Can be set to a function which is called to return the column and row axes data for the response.
—The axes data of the columns and rows from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
columns:{ // columns axis data
}, /*..other tuple members..*/]
/*..other tuples..*/
rows:{ //rows axis data
name:"[Customer].[Commute Distance].[All]",
levelName:"[Customer].[Commute Distance].[(All)]",
hierarchy:"[Customer].[Commute Distance]"
}, /*..other tuple members..*/]
/*..other tuples..*/
Example - specify the field which contains column and row axes as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
axes: "axes" // axes are returned in the "axes" field of the response
Example - set column and row axes data as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
axes: function(response) {
return response.axes; // axes are returned in the "axes" field of the response
schema.catalogs Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the list of catalogs that are available on the server. Can be set to a function which is called to return the schema information of the catalogs for the response. Executed during the schema discovery.
—The catalogs schema from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
"name":"Adventure Works Internet Sales Model"
Example - specify the field which contains the catalogs schema information as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
catalogs: "catalogs" // catalogs information is returned in the "catalogs" field of the response
Example - set the schema information of the cubes as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
catalogs: function(response) {
return response.catalogs; // catalogs information are returned in the "catalogs" field of the response
schema.cubes Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the list of cubes that are available in the catalog. Can be set to a function which is called to return the schema information of the cubes for the response. Executed during the schema discovery.
—The cubes schema from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
Example - specify the field which contains the schema information of the cubes as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
cubes: "cubes" // cubes information is returned in the "cubes" field of the response
Example - set the schema information of the cubes as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
cubes: function(response) {
return response.cubes; // cubes information are returned in the "cubes" field of the response
schema.cube Object
The cube declaration. If configured, this option will enable the client cube processing that is useful for binding to flat data.
Only applicable if client cube processing is used.
schema.cube.dimensions Object
A set of key/value pairs which specifies the field-dimension mapping that is available for processing dimensions. The key specifies the name of the field to which the dimension will be mapped.
The key has to match the column name that is used in the columns definition.
Example - define the cube dimensions
var dataSource = new{
columns: ["ProductName" ],
rows: ["Category"],
data: [{ ProductName: "Chai", UnitPrice: 42, Cateogry: "Beverages" } ],
schema: {
cube: {
dimensions: {
ProductName: { caption: "All Products" },
Category: { caption: "All Cateogries" }
dataSource.fetch(function() {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
console.log(, dataSource.axes());
schema.cube.dimensions.dimensionName String
The name of the field which maps to the dimension.
schema.cube.dimensions.dimensionName.caption String
A user-friendly name of the dimension.
schema.cube.measures Object
A set of key/value pairs which specifies the available measures. The key specifies the name of measure.
The key has to match the measure name that is used in the measures definition of the PivotDataSource.
Example - define the cube measures which calculate the sum of the products price
var dataSource = new{
columns: ["ProductName" ],
rows: ["Category"],
measures: ["Sum"],
data: [{ ProductName: "Chai", UnitPrice: 42, Cateogry: "Beverages" } ],
schema: {
cube: {
dimensions: {
ProductName: { caption: "All Products" },
Category: { caption: "All Cateogries" }
measures: {
"Sum": {
field: "UnitPrice",
format: "{0:c}",
aggregate: function(value, state, context) {
return (state.accumulator || 0) + value;
dataSource.fetch(function() {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
console.log(, dataSource.axes());
schema.cube.measures.measureName.field String
The field name whose value is used for calculations.
schema.cube.measures.measureName.format String
The format which will be applied to the calculated measure value.
schema.cube.measures.measureName.aggregate Function|String
The function that is used to aggregate the measure value.
The built-in aggregates are:
—The result of the calculation.
# value Object
The value of the specified field of the currently processed record.
# state Object
The currently aggregated result of the function for already processed records.
uses a predefined field that is namedaccumulator
where the last aggregated result is preserved.
# context Object
The context for the current aggregate call. Includes the current data item and its index in the data.
dataItem: `data item`,
index: `data item index`
Example - specify a built-in "average" aggregate function
var dataSource = new{
columns: ["ProductName" ],
rows: ["Category"],
measures: ["Sum"],
data: [{ ProductName: "Chai", UnitPrice: 42, Cateogry: "Beverages" } ],
schema: {
cube: {
dimensions: {
ProductName: { caption: "All Products" },
Category: { caption: "All Cateogries" }
measures: {
"Average": {
field: "UnitPrice",
aggregate: "average"
dataSource.fetch(function() {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
console.log(, dataSource.axes());
Example - specify an aggregate function for a value summing
var dataSource = new{
columns: ["ProductName" ],
rows: ["Category"],
measures: ["Sum"],
data: [{ ProductName: "Chai", UnitPrice: 42, Cateogry: "Beverages" } ],
schema: {
cube: {
dimensions: {
ProductName: { caption: "All Products" },
Category: { caption: "All Cateogries" }
measures: {
"Average": {
field: "UnitPrice",
aggregate: function(value, state, context) {
return (state.accumulator || 0) + value;
dataSource.fetch(function() {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
console.log(, dataSource.axes());
schema.cube.measures.measureName.result Function
The function that will be called at the end of tuple aggregation.
If not defined, the
value that is set in theaggregate
function will be used.
—The result of the calculation.
# state Object
The last aggregated result of the function for already processed records.
uses a predefined field namedaccumulator
where the last aggregated result is preserved.
Example - specify a result function that calculates the final value
var dataSource = new{
columns: ["ProductName" ],
rows: ["Category"],
measures: ["Sum"],
data: [{ ProductName: "Chai", UnitPrice: 42, Cateogry: "Beverages" } ],
schema: {
cube: {
dimensions: {
ProductName: { caption: "All Products" },
Category: { caption: "All Cateogries" }
measures: {
"Average": {
field: "UnitPrice",
aggregate: function(value, state, context) {
if (!isNaN(value)) {
state.count = (state.count || 0) + 1;
return (state.accumulator || 0) + value;
} else {
return state.accumulator;
result: function(state) {
result state.accumulator / state.count;
dataSource.fetch(function() {
/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
console.log(, dataSource.axes());
</script> Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the data of the cells. Can be set to a function which is called to return the cell data for the response.
—The cell data from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
}, /*..*/]
Example - specify the field which contains the cell data as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
data: "data" // cells data are returned in the "data" field of the response
Example - set the cell data as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
data: function(response) {
return; // cells data are returned in the "data" field of the response
schema.dimensions Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the dimensions schema information. Can be set to a function which is called to return the dimensions schema information for the response. Executed during the schema discovery.
—The dimensions schema from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
"defaultHierarchy":"[Customer].[Commute Distance]",
}, /*..*/
Example - specify the field which contains the dimensions schema information as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
dimensions: "dimensions" // dimensions information is returned in the "dimensions" field of the response
Example - set the dimensions schema information as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
dimensions: function(response) {
return response.dimensions; // dimensions information are returned in the "dimensions" field of the response
schema.hierarchies Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the hierarchies schema information. Can be set to a function which is called to return the hierarchies schema information for the response. Executed during the schema discovery requests.
—The cube hierarchies schema from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
"name":"Address Line 1",
"caption":"Address Line 1",
"uniqueName":"[Customer].[Address Line 1]",
"defaultMember":"[Customer].[Address Line 1].[All]"
"name":"Address Line 2",
"caption":"Address Line 2",
"uniqueName":"[Customer].[Address Line 2]",
"defaultMember":"[Customer].[Address Line 2].[All]"
Example - specify the field which contains hierarchies schema information as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
hierarchies: "hierarchies" // hierarchies schema information is returned in the "hierarchies" field of the response
Example - set hierarchies schema information as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
hierarchies: function(response) {
return response.hierarchies; // hierarchies information are returned in the "hierarchies" field of the response
schema.levels Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the levels schema information. Can be set to a function which is called to return the levels schema information for the response. Executed during the schema discovery.
—The levels schema from the response.
The result has the following format and attributes.
[ { "name":"(all)", "caption":"(all)", "uniquename":"[customer].[address line 1].[(all)]", "dimensionuniquename":"[customer]", "orderingproperty":"(all)", "origin":"2", "hierarchyuniquename":"[customer].[address line 1]" }, { "name":"address line 1", "caption":"address line 1", "uniquename":"[customer].[address line 1].[address line 1]", "dimensionuniquename":"[customer]", "orderingproperty":"address line 1", "origin":"2", "hierarchyuniquename":"[customer].[address line 1]" }, /../ ]
Example - specify the field which contains the levels schema information as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
levels: "levels" // levels information is returned in the "levels" field of the response
Example - set the levels schema information as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
levels: function(response) {
return response.levels; // levels information are returned in the "levels" field of the response
schema.measures Function|String
The field from the server response which contains the measures schema information. Can be set to a function which is called to return the measures schema information for the response. Executed during the schema discovery.
—The measures schema from the response.
The result has the following format.
"name":"Days Current Quarter to Date",
"caption":"Days Current Quarter to Date",
"uniqueName":"[Measures].[Days Current Quarter to Date]",
"name":"Days in Current Quarter",
"caption":"Days in Current Quarter",
"uniqueName":"[Measures].[Days in Current Quarter]",
Example - specify the field which contains the measures schema information as a string
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
measures: "measures" // measures information is returned in the "measures" field of the response
Example - set the measures schema information as a function
var dataSource = new{
transport: {
/* transport configuration */
schema: {
measures: function(response) {
return response.measures; // measures information are returned in the "measures" field of the response