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ChartView for Xamarin.Android: Series Overview

The data visualization in RadChartView is done by a hierarchy of classes that inherit from the ChartSeries class. Each series has a collection of data items which provide the data. Concrete series types are available for specific charts. For example, there is a set of CartesianSeries applicable in the context of a RadCartesianChartView.

Abstract Series:

These are the base series that are extended by the actual series implementations in order to provide a clear level of abstraction and define more clearly the common features among the different series types.

  • ChartSeries: The ChartSeries class is a base class for all types of series used in RadChartView.
  • PointTemplateSeries: The PointTemplateSeries class extends ChartSeries with capabilities for customization of the visualization.
  • CartesianSeries: The CartesianSeries class extends PointTemplateSeries and it is the base class for series used by RadCartesianChartView.
  • CategoricalSeries: The CategoricalSeries class extends CartesianSeries. These series present the data in a chart with Cartesian coordinates, where one of the axes is categorical and the other is linear. They can visualize categorical data that has category and value properties.
  • CategoricalStrokedSeries: The CategoricalStrokedSeries extends CategoricalSeries and it is a base class for series that are visually represented by data points connected with strokes.
  • RangeSeriesBase: The RangeSeriesBase extends CartesianSeries and it is a base class for range series which present categorical data with more than one value property.


The CategoricalSeries is an abstract class which is extended by series which can present categorical data. This data needs category and value properties which determine the Cartesian coordinates of each data point.


The CategoricalSeries class contains CategoryBinding and ValueBinding properties of type DataPointBinding - these properties define the way the necessary information will be extracted from each data item. For example if our data item type is defined as follows:

public class MonthResult : Java.Lang.Object {

    public double Result { get; set; }
    public String Month { get; set; }

    public MonthResult(String month, double result) {
        this.Month = month;
        this.Result = result;

If we want to use the result of the data item as a value for our data points that will be visualized by the chart, we can define the DataPointBinding object for the value like this:

class MonthResultDataBinding : DataPointBinding {

    private string propertyName;

    public MonthResultDataBinding(string propertyName)
        this.propertyName = propertyName;

    public override Java.Lang.Object GetValue (Java.Lang.Object p0)
        if(propertyName == "Month")
            return ((MonthResult)(p0)).Month;
        return ((MonthResult)(p0)).Result;

Similarly, if we want to use the month of the data item as a category for our data points that will be visualized by the chart, we can define the DataPointBinding object for the category like this:

class MonthResultDataBinding : DataPointBinding {

    private string propertyName;

    public MonthResultDataBinding(string propertyName)
        this.propertyName = propertyName;

    public override Java.Lang.Object GetValue (Java.Lang.Object p0)
        if(propertyName == "Month")
            return ((MonthResult)(p0)).Month;
        return ((MonthResult)(p0)).Result;

Then, we can use these objects with series that extend CategoricalSeries, for example LineSeries:

LineSeries lineSeries = new LineSeries();
lineSeries.CategoryBinding = new MonthResultDataBinding ("Month");
lineSeries.ValueBinding = new MonthResultDataBinding ("Result");

Combine Mode

When the series in a RadCartesianChartView are more than one, a few different drawing strategies can be used. The possible strategies are:

  • None: The series are not combined - each series is plotted independently.
  • Cluster: Series are combined next to each other (applicable for BarSeries).
  • Stack: Series form stacks.
  • Stack100: Series form stacks that occupy 100% of the plot area and the characteristic size of each series is proportional to its relative value.

The default combine mode is None. You can modify the current value through the CombineMode property. For example if you have two BarSeries, you need to set the combine mode to both of them if you want to make them stacked:

barSeries1.CombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;
barSeries2.CombineMode = ChartSeriesCombineMode.Stack;

Here's how a chart with two BarSeries looks with the different combine modes:



The RangeSeriesBase is an abstract class which is extended by series which can present categorical data with more than one value property. The data needs not only category, but also 2 value properties: low value and high value. The series visaulize the whole range between the low value and the high value.

The binding mechanism in RangeSeriesBase is the same as in CategoricalSeries. The methods that set the bindings are setCategoryBinding(DataPointBinding), setHighBinding(DataPointBinding) and setLowBinding(DataPointBinding). These series need two value bindings — low and high — in order to determine the start point and the end point of each data point.

RadCartesianChartView Series

RadCartesianChartView is a RadChartView which visualizes series as data points with Cartesian coordinates. Here is a list with the series types which provide data that can be plot on RadCartesianChartView:

  • LineSeries: The LineSeries extend CategoricalStrokedSeries. RadCartesianChartView visualizes these series as data points connected with straight line segments.
  • SplineSeries: The SplineSeries extend LineSeries. RadCartesianChartView visualizes these series as data points connected with curved line segments.
  • AreaSeries: The AreaSeries also extend CategoricalStrokedSeries. RadCartesianChartView visualizes these series as the area on the chart that is enclosed by the coordinate axes and straight line segments that connect the data points represented by these series.
  • SplineAreaSeries: The SplineAreaSeries extend AreaSeries. The difference with the AreaSeries is that the segments that connect the data points are connected with curved line segments.
  • BarSeries: The BarSeries extend the CategoricalSeries, which means that they also need to have one categorical and one linear axis. The data points are represented by rectangle shapes.
  • RangeBarSeries: The RangeBarSeries extend the RangeSeriesBase. They represent the data by rectangle shapes in a way similar to BarSeries. The difference is that the bars are not necessarily drawn from the beginning of the categorical axis, unless the low value of the data point, that they represent, has a value of 0.

RadPieChartView Series

  • PieSeries: The PieSeries extend ChartSeries and are used by RadPieChartView to represent data in the shape of a pie. Each data item is visually represented by a pie slice. The ratio between the space consumed by each slice and the space consumed by the whole chart is the same as the ratio between the value of the data point that it represents and the total value of all data points in the series.
  • DoughnutSeries: The DoughnutSeries extend PieSeries. The difference is that an instance of RadPieChartView with DoughnutSeries will have a blank portion in the center.
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