
The RadImageEditor CropToolbarItem has properties which help you specify the geometry of the crop selection and the desired aspect ratio. The available options by default are:

  • Free, Original, Square, Circle, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9

ImageEditor Crop Toolbar

Custom Crop Toolbar

You could easily customize the crop definitions when setting AutoGenerateItems="False" to the RadImageEditorToolbar.

Crop Definitions

  • AspectRatio: Specifies the aspect ratio of the crop selection.
  • Geometry: Specifies the geometry of the crop selection.
  • Text: Specifies the text visualized inside the crop tool.
<telerikImageEditor:RadImageEditorToolbar Grid.Row="1" ImageEditor="{x:Reference imageEditor}" AutoGenerateItems="False">
            <telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition AspectRatio="Free" Text="Free"/>
            <telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition Text="Circle" AspectRatio="1:1">
                    <telerikCommon:RadEllipseGeometry Center="0.5,0.5" Radius="0.5,0.5"/>

Crop Tool

  • AspectRatio (Telerik.XamarinForms.ImageEditor.AspectRatio): Represents the aspect ratio expressed as the ratio between the width and height of an image. The specific values are:

    • Free: Special value, indicating the aspect ratio should not be constrained.
    • Original: Special value, indicating the aspect ratio should match the original image.
    • Square: Special value, indicating the width and height of the image should be equal.

When set custom values for the AspectRatio the separator must be ":", for example: "7:2", "6:2".

<telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition AspectRatio="7:2" Text="7:2"/>

If no aspect ratio is specified explicitly, the crop tool uses the default Free. When a custom aspect ratio is specified, the crop operation is performed with that ratio.

  • Geometry (RadGeometry): Specifies the geometry of the crop selection. The available geometries are:

    • RadRectangleGeometry: Represents a rectangle geometry.
    • RadLineGeometry: Represents a line geometry.
    • RadEllipseGeometry: Represents an ellipse geometry.
    • RadPathGeometry: Represents a complex path geometry composed of one or more path figures. In order to create a specific geometry, you need to set a RadPathGeometry object to CropDefinition Geometry property. The RadPathGeometry object exposes a Figures property which is a collection of RadPathFigures. Each of the RadPathFigure objects is composed of one or several segments:
      • RadArcSegment
      • RadArcToSegment
      • RadLineSegment
      • RadConicSegment
      • RadCubicSegment
      • RadQuadraticSegment

More information about the RadPathGeomerty can be found in the RadPathGeometry article.

If no geometry is specified explicitly, the crop tool uses the default RadRectangleGeometry. When a custom geometry is specified, the crop operation is performed with that geometry.


The snippet below shows a sample RadImageEditor and RadImageEditorToolbar definitions, where the CropToolbar is defined as follow:

        <RowDefinition />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <telerikImageEditor:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor">
            <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="ImageSource" Default="custom_toolbar.png">
                <On Platform="UWP">Assets\custom_toolbar.png</On>
    <telerikImageEditor:RadImageEditorToolbar Grid.Row="1" ImageEditor="{x:Reference imageEditor}" AutoGenerateItems="False">
                <telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition AspectRatio="Free" Text="Free"/>
                <telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition AspectRatio="Original" Text="Original"/>
                <telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition Text="Circle" AspectRatio="1:1">
                        <telerikCommon:RadEllipseGeometry Center="0.5,0.5" Radius="0.5,0.5"/>
                <telerikImageEditor:CropDefinition Text="Rhombus">
                            <telerikCommon:RadPathFigure StartPoint="0.5, 0.0">
                                <telerikCommon:RadLineSegment Point="1.0, 0.5" />
                                <telerikCommon:RadLineSegment Point="0.5, 1.0" />
                                <telerikCommon:RadLineSegment Point="0.0, 0.5" />
                                <telerikCommon:RadLineSegment Point="0.5, 0.0" />

In addition, you need to add the following namespaces:


ImageEditor Custom Crop Toolbar

SDK Browser application contains a sample Custom Crop Toolbar example. You can find it in the ImageEditor/Features folder.

See Also

In this article