This article provides an information about the following commands that RadDateTimePicker exposes through the RadDateTimePickerCommands static class:
SetToday Command
Using the SetToday command the current date of RadDateTimePicker could be set to the current date (today).
In Example 1 a Button is linked to the RadDateTimePickerCommands.SetToday command after whose execution the date will be set to the current day:
Example 1: SetToday command
<telerik:RadDateTimePicker x:Name="dateTimePicker1" />
<telerik:RadButton Command="{x:Static telerik:RadDateTimePickerCommands.SetToday}"
CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=dateTimePicker1}"
Content="Set Today"/>
Close Command
The Close command closes the drop down part of RadDateTimePicker if it is opened.
Example 2 demonstrates how to close the drop down of RadDateTimePicker by executing the Close command:
Example 2: Close command
RadDateTimePickerCommands.Close.Execute(null, this.dateTimePicker1);