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Visual Structure

This topic defines terms and concepts related to RadAutoSuggestBox that you have to get familiar with before you continue reading this help.

Figure 1: RadAutoSuggestBox in the Fluent theme

WPF RadAutoSuggestBox RadAutoSuggestBox in the Fluent theme
WPF RadAutoSuggestBox Visual Structure
WPF RadAutoSuggestBox Visual Structure No Content

The following table lists the elements that make up a RadAutoSuggestBox:

  • Watermark Content: Shows the empty content of RadAutoSuggestBox when there is no text enterted into the TextBox.

  • TextBox: Shows the current text query or the chosen suggestion.

  • Group Header: Shows the group header when grouping is used.

  • Suggestion Item: An item from the ItemsSource of RadAutoSuggestBox.

  • Drop Down: The drop down that shows the ItemsSource results.

  • Query Button: The query button that triggers search.

  • Clear Button: The clear button that clears the current query text or suggestion.

  • No Results Content: The content shown in the Drop Down when you submit a query and there are not results in the ItemsSource.

See Also

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