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Key Properties

This article will list the key properties provided by the RadSideDrawer control.

RadSideDrawer consists of two important parts. The Main Content which is visualized by default and the Drawer which can be opened/closed from any of the four directions using a predefined transition.


  • DrawerTransition: A property of type DrawerTransition that gets or sets the transition of the drawer. This property is an enumeration and expose the following values:
    • SlideInOnTop: The drawer content slide on top of the main content.
    • Push: The drawer content push the main content.
    • Reveal: The drawer content is slipping from start to end while pushing the main content.
    • ReverseSlideOut: When set to this value, first the main content will be pushed then the drawer will slide out.
    • ScaleDownPusher: The main content will be push from the drawer and scaled down.
    • ScaleUp: The main content will be push from the drawer and the drawer will scale up.
    • SlideAlong: The drawer content is opening from the end to start part while pushing the main content.
  • AnimationDuration: A property of the type Duration that gets or sets the duration of the transition.
  • DrawerLocation: A property of type DrawerLocation that gets or sets the location of the drawer. This property is an enumeration and expose the following values:
    • Left: The default value.
    • Top
    • Right
    • Bottom
  • DrawerState: A property of type DrawerState that gets the current drawer state. This property is an enumeration and expose the following values:
    • Opened
    • Close
    • Moving
  • DrawerButtonStyle: A property of type Style that gets or sets the style of the button opening the drawer.
  • DrawerButtonVerticalAlignment: A property of type VerticalAlignment that gets or sets the vertical position of the button opening the drawer.
  • DrawerTransitionFadeOpacity: A property of type double that gets or sets the fade opacity of the drawer transition.
  • DrawerLength: A property of type double that gets or sets the length of the drawer.
  • DrawerContentTemplate: A property of type DataTemplate that gets or sets the content template of the drawer.
  • DrawerButtonHorizontalAlignment: A property of type HorizontalAlignment that gets or sets the horizontal position of the button opening the drawer.
  • DrawerContent: A property of type object that gets or sets the content of the drawer.
  • IsOpen: A property of type bool that gets or sets a value, which indicates whether the drawer is opened or closed.

Main Content

  • MainContent: A property of type object that gets or sets the main content of the control.
  • MainContentTemplate: A property of type DataTemplate that gets or sets the main content template of the RadSideDrawer.

Touch Support

  • TapOutsideToClose: A property of type bool that gets or sets whether the Drawer should be closed when a user taps outside the Drawer's content.
  • TouchTargetThreshold: A property of type double that gets or sets the touch area in pixels that will trigger the Gestures manipulations over the SideDrawer.
  • DrawerManipulationMode: A property of type DrawerManipulationMode that gets or sets how the drawer should be open/closed using a handle or touch gestures. This property is an enumeration and expose the following values:
    • Button
    • Gesture
    • Both

See Also

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