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The RadScheduler supports the following .NET Framework calendar implementations:

  • ChineseLunisolarCalendar, which represents the Chinese lunisolar calendar.

  • GregorianCalendar, which represents the Gregorian calendar. This calendar is further divided into subtypes (such as Arabic and Middle East French) that are defined by the System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes enumeration. The GregorianCalendar.CalendarType property specifies the subtype of the Gregorian calendar.

  • HebrewCalendar, which represents the Hebrew calendar.

  • HijriCalendar, which represents the Hijri calendar.

  • JapaneseCalendar, which represents the Japanese calendar.

  • JapaneseLunisolarCalendar, which represents the Japanese lunisolar calendar.

  • JulianCalendar, which represents the Julian calendar.

  • KoreanCalendar, which represents the Korean calendar.

  • KoreanLunisolarCalendar, which represents the Korean lunisolar calendar.

  • PersianCalendar, which represents the Persian calendar.

  • TaiwanCalendar, which represents the Taiwan calendar.

  • TaiwanLunisolarCalendar, which represents the Taiwan lunisolar calendar.

  • ThaiBuddhistCalendar, which represents the Thai Buddhist calendar.

  • UmAlQuraCalendar, which represents the Um Al Qura calendar.

You can set the default calendar as demonstrated in Example 1.

Example 1: Setting the default calendar

public MainPage() 
    CultureInfo arSA = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("ar-SA"); 
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = arSA; 
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = arSA; 
    arSA.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new HijriCalendar(); 

Figure 1: RadScheduler with Hijri calendar

WinUI RadScheduler with Hijri calendar

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