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HubTile Service

The HubTileService provides the ability to group hub tiles with a group tag and to freeze or unfreeze groups of hub tiles.


  • GroupTag (attached property): Identifies the GroupTag attached property.
  • GetGroupTag: Gets the group tag of the provided hub tile.
  • SetGroupTag: Sets the group tag of the specified hub tile to the specified value.
  • FreezeGroup: Freezes a group of hub tiles.
  • UnfreezeGroup: Unfreezes a group of hub tiles.


Example 1 demonstrates how a the HubTileService.GroupTag can be utilized to freeze hub tiles.

Example 1: Using the HubTileService.GroupTag

<Grid xmlns:telerik="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives"> 
        <ColumnDefinition /> 
        <ColumnDefinition /> 
    <telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" VerticalAlignment="Top" telerik:HubTileService.GroupTag="firstGroup"  > 
            <TextBlock Text="firstTopContent"/> 
            <TextBlock Text="firstBottomContent"/> 
    <telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" x:Name="secondHubTile" telerik:HubTileService.GroupTag="secondGroup"> 
            <TextBlock Text="secondTopContent"/> 
            <TextBlock Text="secondBottomContent"/> 
    <telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" telerik:HubTileService.GroupTag="firstGroup"> 
            <TextBlock Text="thirdTopContent"/> 
            <TextBlock Text="thirdBottomContent"/> 
    <StackPanel Grid.Column="1"> 
        <Button Content="Freeze first group" Click="Button_Click" /> 
        <Button Content="Freeze second group" Click="Button1_Click" /> 
Example 2 demonstrates how to use the FreezeGroup method of the HubTileService in the Click events of the buttons.

Example 2: Using the HubTileService methods

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page 
    public MainPage() 
    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
    private void Button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
        var groupTag = HubTileService.GetGroupTag(secondHubTile); 

See Also

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