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The SlideHubTile is a tile, which periodically switches between its BottomContent and TopContent using a transition.


The RadSlideHubTile exposes the following properties on top of the common ones for all tiles:

  • BottomContent (object): Gets or sets the front content of the tile. Typically this will be a picture, but it may be any arbitrary content.
  • BottomContentTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets the DataTemplate that is used to visualize the BottomContent property.
  • TopContent (object): Gets or sets the secondary front content of the tile. Typically this will be a picture, but it may be any arbitrary content.
  • TopContentTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets the DataTemplate that is used to visualize the TopContent property.

Figure 1: RadSlideHubTile Transition

WinUI RadSliderHubTile


Example 1 demonstrates how to set the BottomContent and TopContent properties and make them flip every one second.

Example 1: Defininig a RadSlideHubTile

 <Grid xmlns:telerik="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives"> 
    <telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" TopContent="Top Content" BottomContent="Bottom Content"> 

See Also

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