Enabling Drag and Drop
The key RadTreeView boolean properties enable Drag and Drop functionality: AllowDragDrop, and AllowDrop.
AllowDragDrop enables the drag and drop functionality for a tree view control. Drag and drop functionality can also be used to reorder nodes.
AllowDrop when true accepts data that the user drags onto it. This property is used to interact with drag and drop for standard Windows controls.
Multiple nodes can be dragged if the RadTreeView's MultiSelect property is true.
AllowDragDrop when true enables fully automatic drag and drop. The selected node and child nodes are all moved to the target location with user interaction only. No code is required. The following screenshots show drag and drop behaviors. Notice the visual cues that assist the user in navigating the tree.
Description | User Action |
"Node"2" is dropped on "Node8". The result is that "Node2" is added as a child node of "Node8". | ![]() |
For the other cases the dashed line described there the dragged node will be inserted. In this case "Node9" is going to me placed between nodes "Node11" and "Node12". The result is that "Node9" will be added as a sibling of "Node11" and located just above "Node12". | ![]() |
AllowDrop when true enables RadTreeView to accept data dropped onto it. This event can be used to allow interaction between standard Windows controls and RadTreeView. In the example below a RadTextBox control is dragged to a RadTreeNode.
In order to use the standard OLE drag drop you need to disable the built-in drag and drop functionality (set AllowDragDrop to false).
To implement this functionality:
Set AllowDrop for both RadTreeView and the RadTextBox control to true.
Implement the MouseDown event handler of the RadTextBox HostedControl to call the control's DoDragDrop() method.
Implement the RadTreeView DragEnter event handler to set the arguments Effects property.
Implement the RadTreeView DragDrop event handler to react to the drop operation. In the code sample below the RadTreeView PointToClient() and GetNodeAt() methods are used to retrieve the dropped node.