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Properties Description
EnableKineticScrolling Gets or sets a value indicating whether the kinetic scrolling function is enabled.
LazyMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TreeView load child Nodes collection in NodesNeeded event only when Parent nodes expanded.
DropHintColor Gets or sets the color of the drop hint.
ShowDropHint Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop hint should be visible.
ShowDragHint Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drag hint should be visible.
RelationBindings Contains data binding settings for related data.
ExpandAnimation Gets or sets the type of expand animation.
PlusMinusAnimationStep Gets or sets the animation step for expand/collapse animation.
AllowPlusMinusAnimation Gets or sets a value indicating whether animation of collapse/expand images is enabled.
ImageIndex The default image index for nodes.
ImageKey The default image key for nodes.
TriStateMode Gets or sets a value indicating whether the check boxes will have three states.
ToggleMode Gets or sets the toggle mode.
DragDropService Gets or sets the drag drop service used when dragging nodes within RadTreeView or between different instances of RadTreeView.
LastNode Gets the last node.
AllowDragDrop Gets or sets a value indicating whether built in drag drop functionality is enabled.
MultiSelect Gets or set a value indicating whether the multi selection is enabled.
ShowExpandCollapse Gets or sets a value indicating whether the expander is visible.
SelectedNodes Gets the selected nodes.
CheckedNodes Gets the checked nodes.
CheckBoxes Gets or sets a value indicating whether the check boxes are visible.
HideSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selection is enabled.
HotTracking Gets or sets a value indicating whether hot tracking is enabled.
ItemHeight Gets or sets the height of the item.
ActiveEditor Gets the active editor.
AllowEdit Gets or sets a value indicating whether editing nodes is allowed.
EditMode Gets or sets the default RadTreeNode edit mode.
AllowAdd Gets or sets a value indicating whether one ca add nodes form the context menu.
AllowRemove Gets or sets a value indicating whether one ca add nodes form the context menu.
SelectedNode Gets or sets the selected node.
ShowLines Gets or sets a value indicating whether the lines that connect the nodes are visible.
ShowRootLines Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root lines are visible.
TopNode Gets the first visible tree node in the tree view.
LineColor Gets or sets the color of the lines connecting the nodes in the tree view.
LineStyle Gets or sets the line style.
LineWidth Gets or sets a value determining the width of the link lines.
VisibleCount Gets the number of tree nodes that are visible in the tree view.
Nodes Gets the nodes collection.
TreeIndent Gets or sets the indent of nodes, applied to each tree level
Filter Gets or sets the filter string.
SortOrder Gets or sets the sort order of Nodes.
ExpandImage Gets or sets the expand image.
CollapseImage Gets or sets the expand image.
AllowArbitraryItemHeight Gets or sets a value indicating whether nodes can have different height.
FullRowSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether to select the full row.
NodeSpacing Gets or sets the vertical spacing among nodes.
AlternatingRowColor Gets or sets the alternating row color.
AllowAlternatingRowColor Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show rows with alternating row colors.
FirstVisibleIndex Gets the index of the first visible node.
KeyboardSearchEnabled Gets or sets a value that determines whether the user can navigate to an item by typing when RadTreeViewElement is focused.
KeyboardSearchResetInterval Gets or sets a value that specifies how long the user must wait before searching with the keyboard is reset.


Method Description
GetNodeByName Gets a node with the specified name.
BeginEdit Puts the current node in edit mode.
EndEdit Commits any changes and ends the edit operation on the current node.
CancelEdit Close the currently active editor and discard changes.
CollapseAll Collapses all nodes.
ExpandAll Expands all nodes.
GetNodes Gets an enumerator which enumerates all nodes in the tree.
Find(string Text) Find a node with specified text.
EnsureVisible(RadTreeNode node) Ensures that the specified tree node is visible within the tree view element, scrolling the contents of the element if necessary.
ClearSelection Clears the selected nodes.
SelectAll Selects all nodes.


Event Description
SelectedNodeChanging Occurs before a tree node is selected.
SelectedNodeChanged Occurs after the tree node is selected.
SelectedNodesChanged Occurs when SelectedNodes collection has been changed.
NodeMouseDown Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over a RadTreeNode.
NodeMouseUp Occurs when the user releases a mouse button over a RadTreeNode.
NodeMouseClick Occurs when a mouse button is clicked inside a node
NodeMouseDoubleClick Occurs when a mouse button is double clicked inside a TreeNodeElement.
NodeCheckedChanging Occurs when the value of the Checked property of a RadTreeNode is changing.
NodeCheckedChanged Occurs when the value of the Checked property of a RadTreeNode is changed.
NodeExpandedChanging Occurs before the value of the Expanded property of a tree node is changed.
NodeExpandedChanged Occurs after the value of the Expanded property of a tree node is changed.
ContextMenuOpening Occurs when opening the context menu.
NodeRemoved Occurs after a node is removed.
NodeRemoving Occurs before a node is removed.
NodeAdded Occurs after a node is being added.
NodeAdding Occurs before a node is being added.
NodeFormatting Occurs when the node changes its state and needs to be formatted.

See Also

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