Drag and Drop Using RadDragDropService
This article will guide you through the process of achieving drag and drop functionality from RadScheduler to RadGridView and vice versa. For this purpose, we will use the RadDragDropService, supported by both of the controls.
Let’s assume that our RadScheduler is in unbound mode and the RadGridView control is bound to Appointments data table.
Drag and Drop from RadGridView to RadScheduler
- The first thing we need to do is to start the RadGridView’s drag and drop service when a user clicks on a row with the left mouse down. For this purpose we should create a custom grid behavior:
- C#
//initiates drag and drop service for clicked rows
public class CustomRowGridBehavior : GridDataRowBehavior
protected override bool OnMouseDownLeft(MouseEventArgs e)
GridDataRowElement row = this.GetRowAtPoint(e.Location) as GridDataRowElement;
if (row != null)
RadGridViewDragDropService svc = this.GridViewElement.GetService<RadGridViewDragDropService>();
return base.OnMouseDownLeft(e);
'initiates drag and drop service for clicked rows
Public Class CustomRowGridBehavior
Inherits GridDataRowBehavior
Protected Overrides Function OnMouseDownLeft(e As MouseEventArgs) As Boolean
Dim row As GridDataRowElement = TryCast(Me.GetRowAtPoint(e.Location), GridDataRowElement)
If row IsNot Nothing Then
Dim svc As RadGridViewDragDropService = Me.GridViewElement.GetService(Of RadGridViewDragDropService)()
End If
Return MyBase.OnMouseDownLeft(e)
End Function
End Class
2. Next, we should register this behavior in our grid:
- C#
//register the custom row behavior
BaseGridBehavior gridBehavior = this.radGridView1.GridBehavior as BaseGridBehavior;
gridBehavior.RegisterBehavior(typeof(GridViewDataRowInfo), new CustomRowGridBehavior());
'register the custom row behavior
Dim gridBehavior As BaseGridBehavior = TryCast(Me.RadGridView1.GridBehavior, BaseGridBehavior)
gridBehavior.RegisterBehavior(GetType(GridViewDataRowInfo), New CustomRowGridBehavior())
3. It is necessary to subscribe to the PreviewDragStart, PreviewDragOver and PreviewDragDrop events of the grid’s RadDragDropService. The PreviewDragStart event is fired once the drag and drop service on the grid is started. We should notify the service that the drag and drop operation can move forward. In the PreviewDragOver event you can control on what targets to allow dropping the dragged row. The PreviewDragDrop event performs the actual move of the row from the RadGridView to the RadScheduler.
- C#
//handle drag and drop events for the grid through the DragDrop service
RadDragDropService svc = this.radGridView1.GridViewElement.GetService<RadDragDropService>();
svc.PreviewDragStart += svc_PreviewDragStart;
svc.PreviewDragDrop += svc_PreviewDragDrop;
svc.PreviewDragOver += svc_PreviewDragOver;
'handle drag and drop events for the grid through the DragDrop service
Dim svc As RadDragDropService = Me.RadGridView1.GridViewElement.GetService(Of RadDragDropService)()
AddHandler svc.PreviewDragStart, AddressOf svc_PreviewDragStart
AddHandler svc.PreviewDragDrop, AddressOf svc_PreviewDragDrop
AddHandler svc.PreviewDragOver, AddressOf svc_PreviewDragOver
- C#
//required to initiate drag and drop when grid is in bound mode
private void svc_PreviewDragStart(object sender, PreviewDragStartEventArgs e)
e.CanStart = true;
private void svc_PreviewDragOver(object sender, RadDragOverEventArgs e)
if (e.DragInstance is GridDataRowElement)
e.CanDrop = e.HitTarget is SchedulerCellElement;
private void svc_PreviewDragDrop(object sender, RadDropEventArgs e)
SchedulerCellElement schedulerCell = e.HitTarget as SchedulerCellElement;
if (schedulerCell == null)
DayViewAllDayHeader allDay = (this.radScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement as SchedulerDayViewElement).AllDayHeaderElement;
schedulerCell = SchedulerUIHelper.GetCellAtPoint(e.DropLocation, allDay.Children);
if (schedulerCell == null)
GridDataRowElement draggedRow = e.DragInstance as GridDataRowElement;
if (draggedRow == null)
DataRowView dataRowView = draggedRow.Data.DataBoundItem as DataRowView;
if (dataRowView != null)
if (draggedRow.GridControl.DataSource != null && typeof(BindingSource).IsAssignableFrom(draggedRow.GridControl.DataSource.GetType()))
Appointment appointment = new Appointment();
appointment.Start = (DateTime)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Start"].Value;
appointment.End = (DateTime)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["End"].Value;
//adjust start/end according to target cell
appointment.End = schedulerCell.Date.AddMinutes(appointment.Duration.TotalMinutes);
appointment.Start = schedulerCell.Date;
appointment.Summary = string.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Summary"].Value;
appointment.Description = string.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Description"].Value;
appointment.Location = string.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["Location"].Value;
appointment.StatusId = (int)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["StatusId"].Value;
appointment.BackgroundId = (int)draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells["BackgroundId"].Value;
throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled Scenario");
'required to initiate drag and drop when grid is in bound mode
Private Sub svc_PreviewDragStart(sender As Object, e As PreviewDragStartEventArgs)
e.CanStart = True
End Sub
Private Sub svc_PreviewDragOver(sender As Object, e As RadDragOverEventArgs)
If TypeOf e.DragInstance Is GridDataRowElement Then
e.CanDrop = TypeOf e.HitTarget Is SchedulerCellElement
End If
End Sub
Private Sub svc_PreviewDragDrop(sender As Object, e As RadDropEventArgs)
Dim schedulerCell As SchedulerCellElement = TryCast(e.HitTarget, SchedulerCellElement)
If schedulerCell Is Nothing Then
Dim allDay As DayViewAllDayHeader = TryCast(Me.RadScheduler1.SchedulerElement.ViewElement, SchedulerDayViewElement).AllDayHeaderElement
schedulerCell = SchedulerUIHelper.GetCellAtPoint(e.DropLocation, allDay.Children)
End If
If schedulerCell Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim draggedRow As GridDataRowElement = TryCast(e.DragInstance, GridDataRowElement)
If draggedRow Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim dataRowView As DataRowView = TryCast(draggedRow.Data.DataBoundItem, DataRowView)
If dataRowView IsNot Nothing Then
If draggedRow.GridControl.DataSource IsNot Nothing AndAlso GetType(BindingSource).IsAssignableFrom(draggedRow.GridControl.DataSource.[GetType]()) Then
Dim appointment As New Appointment()
appointment.Start = DirectCast(draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("Start").Value, DateTime)
appointment.[End] = DirectCast(draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("End").Value, DateTime)
'adjust start/end according to target cell
appointment.[End] = schedulerCell.[Date].AddMinutes(appointment.Duration.TotalMinutes)
appointment.Start = schedulerCell.[Date]
appointment.Summary = String.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("Summary").Value
appointment.Description = String.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("Description").Value
appointment.Location = String.Empty + draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("Location").Value
appointment.StatusId = CInt(draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("StatusId").Value)
appointment.BackgroundId = CInt(draggedRow.RowInfo.Cells("BackgroundId").Value)
Throw New ApplicationException("Unhandled Scenario")
End If
End If
End Sub
The start date of the created appointment is in correspondence with the cell where the row is dropped. The appointment’s duration is relevant to the original duration.
Figure 1: Drag and Drop from RadGridView to RadScheduler
Drag and Drop from RadScheduler to RadGridView
To implement drag and drop functionality for this scenario, we will use the SchedulerElement.DragDropBehavior, which is a derivative of the RadDragDropService. Subscribe to its PreviewDragOver and PreviewDragDrop events. In the PreviewDragOver event allow dropping over a row element or over the table element. The PreviewDragDrop event performs the actual inserting of the dragged appointment into the RadGridView’s data source:
- C#
private void DragDropBehavior_PreviewDragOver(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.RadDragOverEventArgs e)
e.CanDrop = e.HitTarget is GridTableElement ||
e.HitTarget is GridDataRowElement;
private void DragDropBehavior_PreviewDragDrop(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.RadDropEventArgs e)
DragFeedbackElement draggedInstance = e.DragInstance as DragFeedbackElement;
if (draggedInstance == null)
GridDataRowElement rowElement = e.HitTarget as GridDataRowElement;
GridTableElement tableElement = e.HitTarget as GridTableElement;
RadGridView targetGrid;
if (rowElement == null && tableElement == null)
if (rowElement != null)
targetGrid = rowElement.GridViewElement.GridControl;
targetGrid = tableElement.GridViewElement.GridControl;
if (targetGrid == null)
e.Handled = true;
int index = rowElement != null ? this.GetTargetRowIndex(rowElement, e.DropLocation) : targetGrid.RowCount;
Appointment draggedAppointment = draggedInstance.AssociatedAppointment as Appointment;
this.MoveRows(targetGrid, draggedAppointment, index);
private int GetTargetRowIndex(GridDataRowElement row, Point dropLocation)
int halfHeight = row.Size.Height / 2;
int index = row.RowInfo.Index;
if (dropLocation.Y > halfHeight)
return index;
private void MoveRows(RadGridView dragGrid,
Appointment draggedAppointment, int index)
if (dragGrid.DataSource != null && typeof(BindingSource).IsAssignableFrom(dragGrid.DataSource.GetType()))
//bound to a BindingSource scenario
BindingSource sourceCollection = (BindingSource)dragGrid.DataSource;
DataRowView newDataRowView = sourceCollection.AddNew() as DataRowView;
if (newDataRowView != null)
newDataRowView["Start"] = draggedAppointment.Start;
newDataRowView["End"] = draggedAppointment.End ;
newDataRowView["Summary"] = draggedAppointment.Summary;
newDataRowView["Description"] = draggedAppointment.Description ;
newDataRowView["Location"] = draggedAppointment.Location;
newDataRowView["StatusId"] = draggedAppointment.StatusId;
newDataRowView["BackgroundId"] = draggedAppointment.BackgroundId ;
newDataRowView.Row.Table.Rows.InsertAt(newDataRowView.Row, index);
throw new ApplicationException("Unhandled Scenario");
Private Sub DragDropBehavior_PreviewDragOver(sender As Object, e As Telerik.WinControls.RadDragOverEventArgs)
e.CanDrop = TypeOf e.HitTarget Is GridTableElement OrElse TypeOf e.HitTarget Is GridDataRowElement
End Sub
Private Sub DragDropBehavior_PreviewDragDrop(sender As Object, e As Telerik.WinControls.RadDropEventArgs)
Dim draggedInstance As DragFeedbackElement = TryCast(e.DragInstance, DragFeedbackElement)
If draggedInstance Is Nothing Then
End If
Dim rowElement As GridDataRowElement = TryCast(e.HitTarget, GridDataRowElement)
Dim tableElement As GridTableElement = TryCast(e.HitTarget, GridTableElement)
Dim targetGrid As RadGridView
If rowElement Is Nothing AndAlso tableElement Is Nothing Then
End If
If rowElement IsNot Nothing Then
targetGrid = rowElement.GridViewElement.GridControl
targetGrid = tableElement.GridViewElement.GridControl
End If
If targetGrid Is Nothing Then
End If
e.Handled = True
Dim index As Integer = If(rowElement IsNot Nothing, Me.GetTargetRowIndex(rowElement, e.DropLocation), targetGrid.RowCount)
Dim draggedAppointment As Appointment = TryCast(draggedInstance.AssociatedAppointment, Appointment)
Me.MoveRows(targetGrid, draggedAppointment, index)
End Sub
Private Function GetTargetRowIndex(row As GridDataRowElement, dropLocation As Point) As Integer
Dim halfHeight As Integer = row.Size.Height / 2
Dim index As Integer = row.RowInfo.Index
If dropLocation.Y > halfHeight Then
index += 1
End If
Return index
End Function
Private Sub MoveRows(dragGrid As RadGridView, draggedAppointment As Appointment, index As Integer)
If dragGrid.DataSource IsNot Nothing AndAlso GetType(BindingSource).IsAssignableFrom(dragGrid.DataSource.[GetType]()) Then
'bound to a BindingSource scenario
Dim sourceCollection As BindingSource = DirectCast(dragGrid.DataSource, BindingSource)
Dim newDataRowView As DataRowView = TryCast(sourceCollection.AddNew(), DataRowView)
If newDataRowView IsNot Nothing Then
newDataRowView("Start") = draggedAppointment.Start
newDataRowView("End") = draggedAppointment.[End]
newDataRowView("Summary") = draggedAppointment.Summary
newDataRowView("Description") = draggedAppointment.Description
newDataRowView("Location") = draggedAppointment.Location
newDataRowView("StatusId") = draggedAppointment.StatusId
newDataRowView("BackgroundId") = draggedAppointment.BackgroundId
End If
newDataRowView.Row.Table.Rows.InsertAt(newDataRowView.Row, index)
Throw New ApplicationException("Unhandled Scenario")
End If
End Sub
Figure 2: Drag and Drop from RadScheduler to RadGridView