Drag and Drop from Another Control
Similar approach is demonstrated in the Demos, section Scheduler >> Drag&Drop.
RadScheduler supports drag and drop and it can be implemented so that appointments are dragged from another control, in our case a ListBox. It is necessary to set the AllowDrop property to true.
Drag and Drop from ListBox to RadScheduler
Firstly, we should start the drag and drop operation using the ListBox.MouseMove event when the left mouse button is pressed. Afterwards, allow dragging over the RadScheduler via the Effect argument of the DragEventArgs in the RadScheduler.DragEnter event handler:
Handle ListBox MouseMove
void listBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)
if (this.isDragging)
Point currentPosition = e.Location;
if ((Math.Abs((currentPosition.X - this.mouseDownPosition.X)) >= SystemInformation.DragSize.Width) ||
(Math.Abs((currentPosition.Y - this.mouseDownPosition.Y)) >= SystemInformation.DragSize.Height))
this.isDragging = true;
DragObject dragObject = new DragObject();
int index = this.listBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.X, e.Y);
if (index > -1 && index < this.listBox1.Items.Count)
string itemText = this.listBox1.Items[index].ToString();
if (itemText != string.Empty)
dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Summary, itemText);
dragObject.Status = AppointmentFields.Summary;
//start the drag and drop operation
(sender as ListBox).DoDragDrop(dragObject, DragDropEffects.Copy);
private void radScheduler1_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
DragObject dragObject = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragObject)) as DragObject;
//allow dragging over the RadScheduler
e.Effect = dragObject == null ? DragDropEffects.None : DragDropEffects.Copy;
Private Sub listBox1_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
If e.Button <> MouseButtons.Left Then
End If
If Me.isDragging Then
End If
Dim currentPosition As Point = e.Location
If (Math.Abs((currentPosition.X - Me.mouseDownPosition.X)) >= SystemInformation.DragSize.Width) OrElse (Math.Abs((currentPosition.Y - Me.mouseDownPosition.Y)) >= SystemInformation.DragSize.Height) Then
Me.isDragging = True
Dim dragObject As New DragObject()
Dim index As Integer = Me.ListBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.X, e.Y)
If index > -1 AndAlso index < Me.ListBox1.Items.Count Then
Dim itemText As String = Me.ListBox1.Items(index).ToString()
If itemText <> String.Empty Then
dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Summary, itemText)
dragObject.Status = AppointmentFields.Summary
'start the drag and drop operation
TryCast(sender, ListBox).DoDragDrop(dragObject, DragDropEffects.Copy)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub radScheduler1_DragEnter(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs)
Dim dragObject As DragObject = TryCast(e.Data.GetData(GetType(DragObject)), DragObject)
'allow dragging over the RadScheduler
e.Effect = If(dragObject Is Nothing, DragDropEffects.None, DragDropEffects.Copy)
End Sub
In order to use this feature, we will need to find the scheduler cell when the item is dropped onto the scheduler surface. Once you have the scheduler cell you can get the date and create an appointment for it.
Figure 1: Dragging from a ListBox
In the RadScheduler DragDrop event handler you need to get the location of the mouse and convert it to a point that the scheduler can use to get the cell element underneath the mouse. This MonthCellElement is passed to a private method GetCellAppointment() that we will write next.
Handle RadScheduler DragDrop
private Point mouseDownPosition;
private bool isDragging;
private void radScheduler1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
Point point = this.radScheduler1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
SchedulerCellElement schedulerCell = SchedulerUIHelper.GetCellAtPoint(point, this.radScheduler1);
if (schedulerCell != null)
DragObject dragObject = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragObject)) as DragObject;
if (dragObject != null)
Appointment appointment = CreateAppointment(schedulerCell.Date, dragObject);
this.mouseDownPosition = Point.Empty;
this.isDragging = false;
Private mouseDownPosition As Point
Private isDragging As Boolean
Private Sub radScheduler1_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs)
Dim point As Point = Me.RadScheduler1.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim schedulerCell As SchedulerCellElement = SchedulerUIHelper.GetCellAtPoint(point, Me.RadScheduler1)
If schedulerCell IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dragObject As DragObject = TryCast(e.Data.GetData(GetType(DragObject)), DragObject)
If dragObject IsNot Nothing Then
Dim appointment As Appointment = CreateAppointment(schedulerCell.[Date], dragObject)
End If
End If
Me.mouseDownPosition = Point.Empty
Me.isDragging = False
End Sub
The helper method CreateAppointment() creates an appontment starting at the cell where the ListBox item is dropped. This appointment gets its data from the dragged item.
Create Appointment
private Appointment CreateAppointment(DateTime currentDate, DragObject dragObject)
Appointment appointment = new Appointment();
DateTime startDate = currentDate;
DateTime endDate = currentDate.AddHours(1);
switch (dragObject.Status)
case AppointmentFields.Summary:
appointment.Summary = dragObject.Values[dragObject.Status] as string;
case AppointmentFields.Row:
appointment.Summary = dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Summary] as string;
appointment.Description = dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Description] as string;
appointment.BackgroundId = (int)dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Background];
appointment.StatusId = (int)dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Status];
appointment.Location = dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Location] as string;
startDate = (DateTime)dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Start];
endDate = (DateTime)dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.End];
TimeSpan range = endDate - startDate;
endDate = currentDate + range;
startDate = currentDate;
appointment.Start = startDate;
appointment.End = endDate;
return appointment;
Private Function CreateAppointment(currentDate As DateTime, dragObject As DragObject) As Appointment
Dim appointment As New Appointment()
Dim startDate As DateTime = currentDate
Dim endDate As DateTime = currentDate.AddHours(1)
Select Case dragObject.Status
Case AppointmentFields.Summary
appointment.Summary = TryCast(dragObject.Values(dragObject.Status), String)
Exit Select
Case AppointmentFields.Row
appointment.Summary = TryCast(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Summary), String)
appointment.Description = TryCast(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Description), String)
appointment.BackgroundId = CInt(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Background))
appointment.StatusId = CInt(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Status))
appointment.Location = TryCast(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Location), String)
startDate = DirectCast(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Start), DateTime)
endDate = DirectCast(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.[End]), DateTime)
Dim range As TimeSpan = endDate - startDate
endDate = currentDate + range
startDate = currentDate
Exit Select
End Select
appointment.Start = startDate
appointment.[End] = endDate
Return appointment
End Function
Drag and Drop from RadScheduler to ListBox
In order to enable dragging an appointment from RadScheduler and dropping it onto the ListBox, it is necessary to set the ListBox.AllowDrop property to true. Use the RadScheduler.MouseMove event to start the drag and drop operation. In the ListBox.DragOver event you should allow the drop operation:
Handle RadScheduler MouseMove
private void radScheduler1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left)
if (this.isDragging)
AppointmentElement appointmentElement = this.radScheduler1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location) as AppointmentElement;
if (appointmentElement == null)
this.isDragging = true;
DragObject dragObject = new DragObject();
dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Summary, appointmentElement.Appointment.Summary);
dragObject.Status = AppointmentFields.Summary;
//start drag and drop operation
(sender as RadScheduler).DoDragDrop(dragObject, DragDropEffects.Copy);
private void listBox1_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
DragObject dragObject = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragObject)) as DragObject;
//allow dragging over the ListBox
e.Effect = dragObject == null ? DragDropEffects.None : DragDropEffects.Copy;
Private Sub radScheduler1_MouseMove(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
If e.Button <> MouseButtons.Left Then
End If
If Me.isDragging Then
End If
Dim appointmentElement As AppointmentElement = TryCast(Me.RadScheduler1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location), AppointmentElement)
If appointmentElement Is Nothing Then
End If
Me.isDragging = True
Dim dragObject As New DragObject()
dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Summary, appointmentElement.Appointment.Summary)
dragObject.Status = AppointmentFields.Summary
'start drag and drop operation
TryCast(sender, RadScheduler).DoDragDrop(dragObject, DragDropEffects.Copy)
End Sub
Private Sub listBox1_DragOver(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs)
Dim dragObject As DragObject = TryCast(e.Data.GetData(GetType(DragObject)), DragObject)
'allow dragging over the ListBox
e.Effect = If(dragObject Is Nothing, DragDropEffects.None, DragDropEffects.Copy)
End Sub
Finally, perform the exact drag and drop operation via inserting a new item in the ListBox in the DragDrop event:
Handle ListBox MouseMove
private void listBox1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
Point point = this.listBox1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
DragObject dragObject = e.Data.GetData(typeof(DragObject)) as DragObject;
if (dragObject != null)
string itemText = dragObject.Values[AppointmentFields.Summary] as string;
if (!this.listBox1.Items.Contains(itemText))
int index = this.listBox1.IndexFromPoint(point);
if (index > -1 && index < this.listBox1.Items.Count)
this.listBox1.Items.Insert(index, itemText);
this.isDragging = false;
Private Sub listBox1_DragDrop(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs)
Dim point As Point = Me.ListBox1.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim dragObject As DragObject = TryCast(e.Data.GetData(GetType(DragObject)), DragObject)
If dragObject IsNot Nothing Then
Dim itemText As String = TryCast(dragObject.Values(AppointmentFields.Summary), String)
If Not Me.ListBox1.Items.Contains(itemText) Then
Dim index As Integer = Me.ListBox1.IndexFromPoint(point)
If index > -1 AndAlso index < Me.ListBox1.Items.Count Then
Me.ListBox1.Items.Insert(index, itemText)
End If
End If
End If
Me.isDragging = False
End Sub
Figure 2: Dragging from a RadScheduler