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Properties, Methods and Events


Property Description
AppointmentElementFactory Gets or sets a factory class that is used when creating appointment elements.
SchedulerInputBehavior Gets or sets the which is responsible for handling the mouse and keyboard input. Be sure to dispose the old instance when replacing it with a new one.
SelectionBehavior Gets or sets the which is responsible for handling the selection of cells and appointments in .
ElementProvider Gets or sets the which is responsible for creating and recycling of most of RadScheduler's visual elements.
SaveLoadRemindersBehavior Gets or sets the behavior responsible for saving and loading appointment reminders.
AppointmentsComparer Gets or sets a comparer which will be used to determine the order of the appointments when they have the same Start and End dates.
DragDropBehavior Gets or sets the which is responsible for performing the drag and drop of appointments in RadScheduler.
ResizeBehavior Gets or sets the which is responsible for performing the resizing of appointments in RadScheduler.
SystemTimeZone Gets or sets the selected time zone.
DataSource Gets or sets the data source.
SchedulerElement Gets the scheduler element.
ViewElement Gets the view element.
Statuses Gets the statuses.
Resources Gets the resources.
Backgrounds Gets the backgrounds.
Reminders Gets the predefined reminder time intervals.
ActiveViewType Gets or sets the type of the active view.
Appointments Gets the appointments.
AccessibleInterval Gets or sets the interval which is accessible to the user.
ActiveView Gets or sets the active view.
AppointmentFactory Gets or sets an which used to create objects which represent the appointments in RadScheduler.
HighlightToday Gets or sets value whether to show the today visual state of scheduler cells
AllowMouseWheelSupport Enables or disables mouse wheel support.
AllowCopyPaste Allows or disallows the end user to copy, cut and paste appointments using the default combinations Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
AllowViewNavigationOnDrag Enables automatic navigation to previous/next view when dragging an appointment outside the boundaries of the control.
AllowAppointmentResize Enables or disables appointment resizing
AllowAppointmentCreateInline Enables or disables creating appointments when typing in a cell.
AllowAppointmentMove Enables or disables appointment moving.
ShowAppointmentStatus Gets or sets a value indicating whether the appointment status should be displayed.
ShowAllDayAppointmentStatus Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display all day appointment status.
AutoSizeAppointments Gets or sets a value indicating whether the appointments elements should be sized to fit their content.
AllowAppointmentsMultiSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether selecting multiple appointments is possible.
DefaultRecurrenceIcon Gets the default recurrence icon.
AppointmentRecurrenceIcon Gets or sets the appointment reccurence icon.
DefaultSize Gets the default size of the control.
ShowNavigationElements Gets or sets a value whether to show the "Previous/Next Appointment" navigation elements.
AppointmentTitleFormat Gets or sets the appointment title format.
ReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether appointments can be changed.
HeaderFormat Gets or sets the header format.
GroupType Gets or sets the type of grouping.
AllowToolTips Gets or sets a value indicating whether tool tips are shown.
DateTimeFormat Gets or sets a DateTimeFormatInfo instance that defines the culturally appropriate format of displaying dates and times as specified by the default culture.
FocusedDate Gets or sets the value that is used by RadScheduler to determine the viewable area displayed .
Culture Gets or sets the CultureInfo supported by this RadScheduler object.Describes the names of the culture, the writing system, and the calendar used, as well as access to culture-specific objects that provide methods for common operations, such as formatting dates and sorting strings.
RadContextMenu Gets or sets the shortcut menu associated with the control.
EnableExactTimeRendering Gets or sets whether appointments are rendered according to their start and end time or are aligned to the scheduler grid lines.
EnableCustomCellDrawing Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CellPaint event will be fired.
AutoSize AutoSize is not supported by RadScheduler. Setting it will have no effect.
BackColor RadScheduler consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current BackColor property might be ignored.
ForeColor RadScheduler consists of multiple visual elements and separate settings are provided to customize their appearance. Current ForeColor property might be ignored.
PrintStyle Gets or sets a value indicating how the is printed.
DropDownMenu Gets the drop down menu.


Method Description
CreateAppointmentEditDialog Creates the appointment edit dialog. Overwrite in an inheriting class to replace the dialog used to edit appointments.
DisposeManagedResources Disposes the managed resources.
Dispose Releases the unmanaged resources used by the and optionally releases the managed resources.
ShowAppointmentEditDialog Shows the appointment edit dialog.
GetDayView Gets the day view.
GetMultiDayView Gets the multi day view.
GetWeekView Gets the week view.
GetMonthView Gets the month view.
GetTimelineView Gets the timeline view.
Export(ISchedulerExporter exporter) Exports the data in this RadScheduler instance to the specified string, using the specified ISchedulerExporter instance.
Export(Stream stream, ISchedulerExporter exporter) Exports the data in this RadScheduler instance to the specified stream, using the specified ISchedulerExporter instance.
Import(string stringData, ISchedulerImporter importer) Imports the data from the specified string into this RadScheduler instance, using the specified ISchedulerImporter instance.
Import(Stream stream, ISchedulerImporter importer) Imports the data from the specified stream into this RadScheduler instance, using the specified ISchedulerImporter instance.
SaveReminders(string filePath) Saves all appointment reminders to the provided file. If the file does not exist it is created otherwise it is overwritten.
SaveReminders(Stream stream) Saves all appointment reminders to the provided stream.
ClearReminders Clears the reminders of all appointments. Usually this method is used before LoadReminders is called.
LoadReminders(string filePath) Loads the reminders from the specified file path.
LoadReminder(Stream stream) Loads the reminders from the specified stream.
ShowContextMenu Displays the context menu associated with this control on the provided location.
GetEventStorage Gets the event storage.
GetResourceStorage Gets the resource storage.
GetBackgroundStorage Gets the background storage.
GetStatusStorage Gets the status storage.
GetReminderStorage Gets the reminder storage.
OnCultureChanged Fires the CultureChanged event.
OnEditorRequired Fired when the editor should be opened
OnAddAppointments Called when appointments have been added.
OnRemoveAppointments Called when appointments have been removed.
OnReplaceAppointments Called when appointments have been replaced.
OnUpdateAppointments Called when appointments have to be refreshed.
OnAppointmentsChanged Called when one or more appointments have changed.
OnAppointmentRender Raises the event.
OnCellPaint Raises the event.
OnRulerTextFormatting Raises the event.
OnContextMenuOpening Raises the event.
FillDefaultStatuses Fills the default statuses.
FillDefaultReminders Fills the default reminder intervals.
FillDefaultBackgrounds Fills the default backgrounds.
AddNewAppointmentWithDialog(DateTimeInterval interval, bool recurringAppointment, SchedulerResourceCollection resources) Shows the appointment edit dialog to add a new appointment. The interval to pass to the ShowAppointmentEditDialog method. Indicates whether the appointment should be a recurring one. The resources of the new appointment.
AddNewAppointmentWithDialog(DateTimeInterval interval, bool allDay, bool recurringAppointment, SchedulerResourceCollection resources) Shows the appointment edit dialog to add a new appointment. Indicates whether the appointment should be an AllDay appointment. The interval to pass to the ShowAppointmentEditDialog method. Indicates whether the appointment should be a recurring one.The resources of the new appointment.
Copy Copies the currently selected appointments to the clipboard.
Cut Deletes the currently selected appointments and saves them to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the content from the clipboard to the scheduler.
Print Directly prints the to the default printer.
Print(bool showPrinterSettings) Directly prints the to the default printer or shows printer settitngs and then prints the. Indicates whether printer settings dialog should be shown.
Print(bool showPrinterSettings, RadPrintDocument document) Directly prints the to the default printer or shows printer settitngs and then prints the. Indicates whether printer settings dialog should be shown. As instance of RadPrintDocument used to control the print process.
PrintPreview Shows a for editing the print settings. As instance of RadPrintDocument used to control the print preview process.
PrintPreview(RadPrintDocument document) Shows a for editing the print settings.


Event Description
CellFormatting Fired when a cell element is being prepared for displaying. Use this event to modify visual properties of the . Modifying data properties on the formatting events can result in exceptions.
CellPaint Occurs after a cell is drawn. Allows custom painting over the cell element. EnableCustomCellDrawing must be set to true for this event to be fired.
AppointmentRender Occurs when appointment element is rendered.
CultureChanged Occurs when culture has changed
AppointmentMoving Occurs when the an appointment is about to be moved.
AppointmentMoved Occurs when the an appointment has been moved.
AppointmentDropping Occurs when the an appointment is about to be dropped.
AppointmentDropped Occurs when the an appointment has been dropped.
AppointmentResizing Occurs when the an appointment is about to be resized.
AppointmentResized Occurs when the an appointment has been resized.
AppointmentResizeStart Occurs when the a rezie operation is starting. Cancelable.
AppointmentResizeEnd Occurs when the a resize operation has ended.
AppointmentDeleting Occurs when the scheduler is deleting the selected appointment.
AppointmentDeleted Occurs when the scheduler has deleted the selected appointment.
AppointmentAdded Occurs when the end user adds an appointment either with the EditAppointmentDialog or inline.
AppointmentChanged Occurs when an appointment's property has changed.
AppointmentSelecting Occurs when an appointment will be selected.
AppointmentSelected Occurs when an appointment is selected.
CellSelectionChanging Occurs when the cell selection is about to change. Cancelable.
CellSelectionChanged Occurs when the cell selection has changed.
ResourceStartIndexChanged Occurs when the ResourceStartIndex has changed. Fired only when grouping by resource.
ResourceStartIndexChanging Occurs when the ResourceStartIndex is about to change. Cancelable. Fired only when grouping by resource.
CellClick Occurs when a cell is clicked.
AppointmentMouseUp Occurs when the MouseUp event of an appointment is fired.
AppointmentMouseDown Occurs when the MouseDown event of an appointment is fired.
AppointmentElementMouseDown Occurs when the MouseDown event of an appointment element is fired.
AppointmentElementMouseMove Occurs when the MouseMove event of an appointment element is fired.
AppointmentElementMouseUp Occurs when the MouseUp event of an appointment element is fired.
AppointmentElementDoubleClick Occurs when the DoubleClick event of an appointment element is fired.
CellElementMouseDown Occurs when the MouseDown event of the cell is fired.
CellElementMouseMove Occurs when the MouseMove event of the cell is fired.
CellElementMouseUp Occurs when the MouseUp event of the cell is fired.
CellElementDoubleClick Occurs when the DoubleClick event of the cell is fired.
CellElementKeyDown Occurs when the KeyDown event of the cell is fired.
CellElementKeyPress Occurs when the KeyPressed event of the cell is fired.
CellElementKeyUp Occurs when the KeyUp event of the cell is fired.
DataBindingComplete Occurs when the Data is loaded from the data source.
ContextMenuOpening Occurs before the context menu is opened.
ActiveViewChanging Occurs when the ActiveView is about to change.
ActiveViewChanged Occurs when the ActiveView has changed.
AppointmentFormatting Occurs when an appointment element is prepared to be displayed. Use this event to modify visual properties of the appointment element. Modifying data properties on the formatting events can result in exceptions.
EditorRequired Occurs when an inline appointment editor is required.
ViewNavigating Occurs when the view is about to change and this is caused by a click on the ViewNavigationElement.
ViewNavigated Occurs when the view has changed and this is caused by a click on the ViewNavigationElement.
CellOverflowButtonClicked Occurs when the overflow arrow of a cell in MonthView is clicked. When this event is handled, the default action of the overflow arrow is not executed.
PrintElementFormatting Fires when a print element is being formatted before it is printed.
CellPrintElementFormatting Fires when a cell print element is being formatted before it is printed.
AppointmentPrintElementFormatting Fires when an appointment print element is being formatted before it is printed.
PrintElementPaint Fires when a print element is printed.
CellPrintElementPaint Fires when a cell print element is printed.
AppointmentPrintElementPaint Fires when an appointment print element is printed.
AppointmentEditDialogShowing Occurs when the EditAppointmentDialog is showing.
RecurrenceEditDialogShowing Occurs when the EditReccurenceDialog is showing.
RecurrenceDeleteDialogShowing Occurs when the DeleteRecurrenceDialog is showing.
RulerTextFormatting Occurs when the text of a ruler is drawn.
AppointmentsCopying Fired by the Copy operation when the scheduler is about to prepare the clipboard data. This event allows you to cancel the default action and implement a custom one.
AppointmentsPasting Fired by the Paste operation when the scheduler is about to read the clipboard data. This event allows you to cancel the default action and implement a custom one.
ContextMenuShowing Occurs when a context menu is about to show.

See Also

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