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Property Description
ShowIcon Gets or sets a value indicating whether an icon is displayed in the caption bar of the form.
FormElement Gets the main element of the RadToolbarForm.
TabbedFormControl Gets the RadToolbarFormControl which is used internally by the form responsible for working with the areas.


Event Description
ToolbarFormControlCreating Raised while creating the RadToolbarFormControl. The event is raised only when the form is created at run-time.



Property Description
ShowText Show or hides the text in the title bar.
ShowIcon Gets or sets a value indicating whether an icon is displayed in the caption bar of the form.
CaptionHeight Gets or sets the height of the title bar.
NearItemsMargin Gets or sets the margin that defines the margin of the WrapLayoutPanel holding the near items.
CenterItemsMargin Gets or sets the margin that defines the margin of the WrapLayoutPanel holding the center items.
FarItemsMargin Gets or sets the margin that defines the margin of the WrapLayoutPanel holding the far items.
TextPosition Gets or sets the position of the text inside the title bar.
NearItemsVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the near toolbar items.
CenterItemsVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the center toolbar items.
FarItemsVerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the far toolbar items.
WrapMode Determines how the element containers are wrapped in relation to the available space. Both options will allocate the space for each of the containers proportionally from the totally available space.
NearItemsWrapWeight Gets or sets the wrap weight while performing the layout of the NearItems container.
CenterItemsWrapWeight Gets or sets the wrap weight while performing the layout of the CenterItems container.
FarItemsWrapWeight Gets or sets the wrap weight while performing the layout of the CenterItems container.
IconCaptionElement Gets the icon element of the control.
TextCaptionElement Gets the text caption element of the control.
MinimizeButtonElement Gets the minimize button element of the control.
MaximizeButtonElement Gets the maximize button element of the control.
HelpButtonElement Gets the help button element of the control.
SystemButtonsElement Gets the system buttons element of the control.
NearItems Gets the collection of the near items.
CenterItems Gets the collection of the center items.
FarItems Gets the collection of the far items.



Property Description
NearItemsContainer Gets the near items container.
CenterItemsContainer Gets the center items container.
FarItemsContainer Gets the far items container.
IconElement Gets the icon element.
CaptionTextElement Gets the text element.
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