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Getting Started with WinForms DomainUpDown

The following tutorial demonstrates how to add items and images to a RadDomainUpDown and how to retrieve the selected text and image.

Figure 1: Select a country from RadDomainUpDown

WinForms RadDomainUpDown Select a Country From RadDomainUpDown

  1. Add a RadDomainUpDown and a RadStatusStrip to a form.

  2. Add a few flag images to the project as resources.

  3. Using the down arrow of the RadStatusStrip, add a RadLabelElement and a RadButtonElement. Set the DisplayStyle of the RadButtonElement to Image.

    Figure 2: RadStatusStrip Item Elements

    WinForms RadDomainUpDown RadStatusStrip Item Elements

  4. Select RadDomainUpDown and find the Items property in the Properties Window of Visual Studio. Click the ellipsis button to open the RadListDataItem Collection Editor. Click the Add button three times to create three list items. Set the text of the first, second and third item to Bulgaria, Canada and Germany respectively. Set the resource images to the Image property of the items.

    WinForms RadDomainUpDown Design Time

  5. Click OK to close the RadListDataItem Collection Editor.

  6. Set the ReadOnly property to true for RadDomainUpDown.

  7. In the Properties Window select the Events button.

  8. Locate and double-click the SelectedIndexChanged event to create an event handler.

  9. Paste the following code to the SelectedIndexChanged event handler. The code retrieves the selected item and assigns the text and image for the selected item to the status bar label and image elements.

Handling the SelectedIndexChanged event

        private void radDomainUpDown1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (this.radDomainUpDown1.SelectedIndex > -1)
                this.radLabelElement1.Text = this.radDomainUpDown1.SelectedItem.Text;
                this.radButtonElement1.Image = this.radDomainUpDown1.SelectedItem.Image;

Private Sub radDomainUpDown1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventArgs)
    If Me.radDomainUpDown1.SelectedIndex > -1 Then
        Me.radLabelElement1.Text = Me.radDomainUpDown1.SelectedItem.Text
        Me.radButtonElement1.Image = Me.radDomainUpDown1.SelectedItem.Image
    End If
End Sub

This is it! Now the change in the selection of the RadDomainUpDown instance will be reflected on RadStatusStrip.

See Also

Telerik UI for WinForms Learning Resources

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