RadCallout supports the following predefined shapes. The CalloutType property controls what shape will be applied:
- CalloutType.Rectangle:
- CalloutType.RoundedRectangle:
All predefined callout shapes are defined as a CalloutElementShape which is a derivative of PathElementShape.
Custom Shapes
The CalloutForm.Shape property allows setting any ElementShape that you may have.
When a custom shape, that is not a derivative of CalloutElementShape is set, no arrow will be rendered to the callout form due to the specifics of the WinForms graphics paths' rendering. It is up to the developer to include the arrow to the custom ElementShape.
When a custom shape is applied, most of the arrow and shape property settings may not be respected since the developer will be responsible for the complete rendering of the callout.
The following code snippet demonstrates how to apply one of the predefined ElementShapes that the Telerik Presentation Framework offers.
Custom Predefined Shape
Since the default callout shapes are defined as CalloutElementShape, you can create a derivative of the PathElementShape class and override the CreatePath(Rectangle bounds) method. Thus, you can construct any custom shape that you need. The following two examples demonstrate how to create a Cloud and Kaboom shapes for RadCallout.
Cloud Shape
Custom Cloud Shape
Kaboom Shape
Custom Kaboom Shape
The last needed step is to apply the custom shape to the CalloutForm: