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Display Images in the .NET MAUI ImageEditor

The ImageEditor control enables you to visualize images by using the following property:

  • Source(of type Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ImageSource)—Specifies the source of the image. For more details about the Source` property, check the Images in .NET MAUI article.

In addition, by using the IsImageLoaded (read-only bool) property, you can get information whether an image is loaded in the editor. There are many scenarios this property helps. For example, if you want to apply a crop operation as soon as the image is loaded.

The ImageEditor can load images from the following sources:

  • File
  • Uri
  • Stream
  • Resources

The examples below demonstrate how to load images from the four different sources.

Loading images from a file

private async void OnAddImageClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    var filePicker = FilePicker.Default;
    var fileResult = await filePicker.PickAsync();
    var filePath = fileResult?.FullPath;

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))

    var imageSource = new FileImageSource
        File = filePath

    this.imageEditor.Source = imageSource;

Loading images from a URI

<telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" 
                        Source="" />

Loading images from a stream

Func<CancellationToken, Task<Stream>> streamFunc = ct => Task.Run(() =>
    Assembly assembly = typeof(ImageEditorGettingStartedXaml).Assembly;
    string fileName = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Contains("imageavatar.png"));
    Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(fileName);
    return stream;

this.imageEditor.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(streamFunc);

Loading images from a resource

<Grid RowDefinitions="Auto,*">
    <telerik:RadImageEditorToolbar BackgroundColor="Transparent"
                                   ImageEditor="{x:Reference imageEditor}">
        <telerik:ButtonToolbarItem Text="Save" Clicked="OnSaveClicked" Style="{StaticResource buttonToolbarStyle}"/>
        <telerik:ImageEditorHueToolbarItem Style="{StaticResource buttonToolbarStyle}"/>
        <telerik:ImageEditorBrightnessToolbarItem Style="{StaticResource buttonToolbarStyle}"/>
    <telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" 
                            Grid.Row="1" />

Loading Template

When loading an image, the busy indicator shows by default. You can change the indicator template using the following property:

  • BusyIndicatorTemplate(DataTemplate)—Defines the loading indicator when loading an image. When no template is specified, the busy indicator shows by default.

The following example demonstrates how to use the BusyIndicatorTemplate.

1. Add the RadImageEditor definition:

<telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" 
                        Source="" >
            <telerik:RadBusyIndicator AnimationType="Animation2"
                                      IsBusy="True" />

2. Add the namespace:


For a runnable example demonstrating the ImageEditor Busy Template, see the SDKBrowser Demo Application.


The ImageEditor control provides the ImageLoaded event that is raised when an image is loaded in the editor. The event handler receives the following parameters:

  • The sender argument which is of type object, but can be cast to the RadImageEditor type.
  • An ImageLoadedEventArgs that provides information about an image loaded in the RadImageEditor control. The ImageLoadedEventArgs object has a reference to the ImageSize (Size). This allows you to get the size of the image in pixels.

The following example demonstrates how to use the ImageLoaded event.

1. Add the RadImageEditor definition:

<telerik:RadImageEditor x:Name="imageEditor" ImageLoaded="OnImageLoaded"/>

2 The ImageLoaded event handler implementation. Execute CropInteractiveCommand with custom crop bounds that are calculated based on the image's size:

private void OnImageLoaded(object sender, ImageLoadedEventArgs eventArgs)
    var imageSize = eventArgs.ImageSize;
    var cropCommand = this.imageEditor.CropInteractiveCommand;
    var cropCommandContext = new CropCommandContext
        AspectRatio = AspectRatio.Square,
        Bounds = new Rectangle
            X = imageSize.Width * 0.25,
            Y = imageSize.Height * 0.25,
            Width = imageSize.Width * 0.5,
            Height = imageSize.Height * 0.5
        Geometry = new RadEllipseGeometry
            Center = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
            Radius = new Size(0.5, 0.5)

    if (cropCommand.CanExecute(cropCommandContext))

See Also

In this article