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Check States for .NET MAUI CheckBox

The CheckBox enables you to define its state as Checked, Unchecked, or Indeterminate.

The state is controlled through the IsChecked(bool?) property. You can set all states either through the UI or programmatically. The Indeterminate state can be applied through the UI only for three-state checkboxes. IsChecked property binding mode is TwoWay.

  • Checked state—When IsChecked is true.

  • (Default) Unchecked state—When IsChecked is false.

  • Indeterminate state—When IsChecked is null.

  • IsThreeState (bool)—Defines whether you can apply the indeterminate state through the UI. When IsThreeState is true, it allows the end user to go to the indeterminate state along with the Checked and Unchecked states. By default, IsThreeState is false.

The following example demonstrates how to set the IsChecked property.

Define the checked state of the CheckBox.

<telerik:RadCheckBox x:Name="checkboxIsChecked" 
                     IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked}" 
                     IsThreeState="True" />

Set the ViewModel.

public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private bool? isChecked;

    public bool? IsChecked
        get { return this.isChecked; }
            if (this.isChecked != value)
                this.isChecked = value;


  • IsCheckedChanged—Occurs when the RadCheckBox.IsChecked property is changed. The IsCheckedChanged event handler receives two parameters:
    • The Sender which is of type Telerik.Maui.Controls.RadCheckBox.
    • and IsCheckedChangedEventArgs. The IsCheckedChangedEventArgs provides the following properties:
      • NewValue(bool?)—Gets the new value from the CheckBox state.
      • OldValue(bool?)—Gets the old value of the CheckBox state.


The Telerik .NET MAUI CheckBox allows you to attach a command that executes when the IsChecked property changes.

  • Command (ICommand)—Defines the command, which executes when the IsChecked property of the checkbox changes. Use CommandParameter to pass a parameter to the command execute method. The Command is available in .NET 8.

Here is an example with the CheckBox.Command

1. Define the CheckBox in XAML:

<HorizontalStackLayout Spacing="5" VerticalOptions="Start">
    <telerik:RadCheckBox x:Name="checkBox" 
                         Command="{Binding MyCheckBoxCommand}"
                         CommandParameter="{Binding IsChecked, Source={x:Reference checkBox}}"/>
    <Label Text="Select this option" />
        <local:ViewModel />

2. Define the ViewModel:

public class ViewModel
    public ViewModel()
        this.MyCheckBoxCommand = new Command(this.CommandExecute, this.CommandCanExecute);

    public ICommand MyCheckBoxCommand { get; set; }

    private bool CommandCanExecute(object p)
        return true;
    private void CommandExecute(object p)
        var context = (bool)p;
        if (context == true)
            Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Message", "You have selected this option!", "OK");
            Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Message", "You have unselected the option", "OK");

Here is the result:

CheckBox Command

See Also

In this article