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System Requirements

This topic describes the system requirements needed by Telerik® JustMock.

Supported Operating Systems

Telerik JustMock can be installed on any operating system that supports .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above, .NET Core 3.0 or above or .NET 5 or above. The following list shows the supported OS:

OS Version
Windows 10, 11
Windows Server 2019, 2022
Ubuntu 20.04 or later
macOS 13.0 or later

Development Environment for Windows

In order to use JustMock the following additional development tools must be installed beforehand:

  • .NET
Platform Version
.NET .NET 5+,
.NET Core .NET Core 3.0+,
.NET Framework .NET 4.7.2+
IDE Version
Visual Studio 2019, 2022

Configuration Instructions

Development Environment for Mac

In order to use JustMock on macOS you must have .NET 5 or later installed.

Configuration Instructions

Runtime Environment for Ubuntu

To run JustMock on Ubuntu you must have .NET 6 or later installed.

Configuration Instructions

See Also

In this article