In some cases formula values may return errors. For example, it might have happened that you entered an invalid algebraic expression, or maybe you are referencing a cell that does not exist. The specific error value which is returned can hint the cause of the issue and, therefore, facilitate the process of finding a solution.
The following table contains information about all supported errors.
#DIV/0! | Divide by Zero Error occurs when the formula contains an expression that results in division by zero. For example, such error is produced when the following expression is calculated: =5/0. |
#VALUE! | Error in Value occurs when an argument is not of the correct type. For example, passing the ABS function (ABS function returns the absolute value of a number) a text value as an argument (which is not a text number representation, such as "5") produces the #VALUE! error: =ABS("string"). |
#REF! | Reference Error implies that the referenced cell does not exist (e.g. ABCDE1) or has been deleted. |
#NAME? | Invalid Name Error indicates that the cell value contains a name of an unknown function or variable. For example, attempt to use a function that is not in the built-in functions list will produce the #NAME? error: =ABCDEF(). Another case that will produce the error is use of undefined name. |
#NUM! | Number Error indicates that the number does not meet function requirements. For example, passing the LN function (LN function returns the natural logarithm of a number) a negative number as argument produces #NUM! error: =LN(-10). |
#N/A | Value Not Available Error occurs when a function cannot produce a valid output. For example, passing the MODE function (MODE function returns the most frequently occurring or repetitive value in an array or range of data) the arguments 1, 2, 3 will cause the #N/A error because each of the numbers appears exactly once and, therefore, the set of numbers does not have a mode: =MODE(1,2,3). |
#NULL | Null Error occurs when the two cell ranges passed to an intersection operator do not intersect. For example, the value =A1:A2 B1:B2 returns null error since the two ranges to not have cells in common. |