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Test Studio provides a mechanism to integrate with Azure DevOps test plans and upload results as Azure DevOps test run.

To achieve the integration you will have to create a mapping between Test Studio tests and Azure DevOps test cases. Later after you have executed a Test Studio test list you can fetch the test results, convert them to Azure DevOps test case results and create a new Azure DevOps run.

Azure Test Plans Mapper

Telerik.TestStudio.AzureTestPlansMapper.exe is GUI tool that allows you to map Test Studio test from a particular project to predefined Azure DevOps test cases. The tool is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Test Studio\Bin\AzureTestCaseMapper folder. Find here detailed instructions on how to create a mapping file.

Azure Results Sync

Telerik.TestStudio.AzureResultsSync.exe is a CLI tool that converts Test Studio test results to Azure DevOps test results and uploads these as a new Azure DevOps run. The tool is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Test Studio\Bin\AzureResultsMapper folder and is designed to be used in a CI/CD pipeline. Find the detailed instructions on its options here.