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Adding the Telerik Private NuGet Feed to VS

The old server is deprecated and we encourage our clients to switch to the v3 API. The new v3 API is faster, lighter, and reduces the number of requests from NuGet clients. The NuGet v2 server at will be sunset in November 2024. The new v3 protocol offers faster package searches and restores, improved security, and more reliable infrastructure. To redirect your feed to the NuGet v3 protocol, all you have to do is to change your NuGet package source URL to

Telerik provides NuGet packages from the private Telerik NuGet feed which you can add to the Visual Studio NuGet package manager.


  • Visual Studio 2012 or later.

  • Valid Telerik Reporting trial or commercial license.


  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings, select Package Manager Sources and click the + button.

  3. Choose the feed Name, set the feed URL to and click OK.

    The Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager and the Telerik NuGet Feed

    Telerik Nuget Feed in Visual Studio NuGet Package Manager

  4. Create or load your project.

  5. Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for solution.

  6. In the upper right-hand corner of the Manage Packages for Solution window, select the Telerik Package source that you just added.

  7. Depending on your Visual Studio version, choose the Online or Browse list of packages.

  8. In the Windows Authentication dialog, enter your Telerik credentials. For example, user: and password: myPassPhraseForTelerikDotCom.

  9. Enter your credentials only once by selecting the Remember my password checkbox.

    Enter your credentials to access the Telerik NuGet feed credentials form to access the Telerik NuGet Feed

Now all the packages that are licensed to the above users are available in the Visual Studio NuGet Package manager.

Setup with NuGet CLI

  1. Download the latest NuGet executable.

  2. Open a Command Prompt and change the path to the nuget.exe location.

  3. The command from the example below stores a token in the %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config file. Your original credentials cannot be obtained from this token.

    NuGet Sources Add -Name "" -Source "" ^
    -UserName "your login email" -Password "your password"

    If you are unable to connect to the feed by using encrypted credentials, store your credentials in clear text.

    NuGet Sources Add -Name "" -Source "" ^
    -UserName "your login email" -Password "your password" ^

    If you have already stored a token instead of storing the credentials as clear text, update the definition in the %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config file by using the following command:

    NuGet Sources Update -Name "" -Source "" ^
    -UserName "your login email" -Password "your password" ^

See Also

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