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Client Events Overview

This article explains how to attach client event handlers to an WebForms wrapper of the HTML5 Report Viewer instance.

To attach a client event handler you have to set the appropriate ClientEvents tag as shown below:

<telerik:ReportViewer ID="reportViewer1" runat="server">
    <ClientEvents RenderingBegin="onRenderingBegin" />
    function onRenderingBegin() {
        console.log("rendering begin!");

The following table lists the available client events:

Event Description
RenderingBegin Occurs before rendering the report. For the underlying JS methods see RenderingBegin
RenderingEnd Occurs after rendering the report. For the underlying JS methods see RenderingEnd
PrintBegin Occurs before printing the report. For the underlying JS methods see PrintBegin
PrintEnd Occurs after printing the report. For the underlying JS methods see PrintEnd
ExportBegin Occurs before exporting the report. For the underlying JS methods see ExportBegin
ExportEnd Occurs after exporting the report. For the underlying JS methods see ExportEnd
UpdateUi Occurs on each UI update of the viewer. For the underlying JS methods see UpdateUi
Error Error occurred. For the underlying JS methods see Error
PageReady Occurs after a page of the report is ready. For the underlying JS methods see PageReady
Ready Report viewer is ready. For the underlying JS methods see Ready
InteractiveActionExecuting Occurs before an interactive action is executed, providing the ability to cancel the execution. For the underlying JS methods see InteractiveActionExecuting
InteractiveActionEnter Occurs when the mouse cursor enters the area of an interactive action. For the underlying JS methods see InteractiveActionEnter
InteractiveActionLeave Occurs when the mouse cursor leaves the area of an interactive action. For the underlying JS methods see InteractiveActionLeave
ViewerToolTipOpening Occurs before a tooltip is opened, providing the ability to cancel its opening. For the underlying JS methods see ViewerToolTipOpening
SendEmailBegin Occurs before the report is exported and the E-mail message is sent. For the underlying JS methods see SendEmailBegin
SendEmailEnd Occurs after the report is exported and before the E-mail message is sent. For the underlying JS methods see SendEmailEnd
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