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Using the HTML5 ASP.NET Web Forms Report Viewer with Report Server

The quickest way to add a HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer to your web project is with the Telerik HTML5 Web Forms Report Viewer item template in Visual Studio. This topic explains how to setup the HTML5 Report Viewer to work with Telerik Report Server using the built-in Guest account.


  1. Review the HTML5 WebForms Report Viewer Requirements.
  2. The project must target ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms or newer framework.
  3. Installed and running Telerik Report Server.
  4. Report Server's built-in Guest user should be enabled.
  5. Report Server should contain at least one report that can be accessed by the Guest user account.

Configuring the HTML5 WebForms Report Viewer to work with Report Server using Item Templates

The VS item template will integrate HTML5 WebForms Report Viewer in an.aspx page and will connect to the Telerik Report Server to process and render reports. The following describes what steps you should perform in order to add it in your application:

  • To start the item template wizard, in Solution Explorer, select the target project. On the Project menu, click Add -> New Item. In the Add New Item dialog box, navigate to the Web category. Select Telerik Web Forms Report Viewer Form item.
  • You will be prompted to accept building the project. Click 'OK'.
  • The item template will open the 'Add new Report Viewer' dialog with the following steps:

    1. 'Configure reporting engine' will configure the type of reporting engine that will process and render the reports. You have two options - REST service or Report server. Choose Report Server option. This way, the reports will be processed and rendered by the specified Report Server instance. On the right side of the dialog there are two things that you should enter:

      • Report Server URI - enter a valid Report Server URI.
      • Runtime credentials - enter Username and Password for Registered user or choose Guest user if it suits your needs. Make sure your Report Server instance has its Guest account enabled.

      The Visual Studio item template Add new Report Viewer on the page Configure reporting engine with selected Report Server

    2. 'Setup Report Source for Report Server' will choose a report definition for the report viewer. There are two things that you should select, but in case you are using Guest account, you will have to fill-in the fields manually. It is because the Guest user cannot read the available categories and reports for security reasons:

      • Category - select a category from the drop-down menu which contains the desired report.
      • Report name - select a report from the available reports.

      The Visual Studio item template Add new Report Viewer on the page Setup Report Source for Report Server

    3. 'Configure Report Viewer' exposes the option to enable accessibility for the report viewer.

      The Visual Studio item template Add new Report Viewer on the page Configure Report Viewer for Enabling Accessibility

After finishing, the item template automatically do the following:

  • Configures the NuGet packages, if nessesary.
  • Adds an ASPX page with the configured HTML5 WebForms Report Viewer.
  • Displays a summary log that list all of the made changes.

See Also

In this article