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The interactiveActionEnter(e, args) Event of the HTML5 Report Viewer

Occurs when the mouse cursor enters the area of an interactive action.


Parameter Description
e This is the jQuery.Event object and is respectively jQuery's is the report viewer that raised the event.
args An object with the following properties:
  • element - the DOM element that triggered the action.
  • action - the current action instance.
// $(handler) is jQuery's shorthand for $(document).ready(handler)
$(function () {
        serviceUrl: "api/reports/",
        reportSource: {
            report: "Telerik.Reporting.Examples.CSharp.ProductSales, CSharp.ReportLibrary"
        interactiveActionEnter: function(e, args) {
            $(args.element).css('font-weight', 'bolder');

See Also

In this article