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    Localize Telerik Report Server Web Application

    Telerik Report Server Web Application now supports localization for its UI. To do that, there are a few steps that have to be done:

    1. Check whether Kendo UI for jQuery supports the language you want to translate. As the Report Server uses Progress Kendo UI framework for UI representation, read and make all needed changes to localize the Kendo UI widgets found in Kendo UI for jQuery Documentation.

    2. Open the installation folder of the Telerik Report Server Web Application (Telerik.ReportServer.Web). Navigate to Scripts > ReportServer folder and find the sr.js and sr.user.js files. In sr.js you can find all keys and strings used in the Report Server Web Application. Copy the keys you want to translate into the "sr" object in sr.user.js file.

    3. Translate the strings copied in the sr.user.js for the specified culture.

    Localize Standalone Report Designer

    Telerik Report Server supports localization of the Standalone Report Designer when used with ClickOnce deployment.

    To add support for languages with the Report Server, copy the required Report Designer resources in

    [Telerik Report Server Installation Directory]\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\Report Designer\Languages\[culture name]

    For example:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Report Server\Telerik.ReportServer.Web\Report Designer\Languages\de-DE

    To start the designer in specific language set the Report Server -> Configuration -> Designer -> Preferred Language setting. The drop down lists all languages available in the report server languages directory specified above.

    The preferred language setting will be applied after connecting to the report server and if the user hasn't had specified language from the Report Designer -> Options -> Language.