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2012 Releases

This article lists the breaking changes in the Kendo UI 2012 releases.

Kendo UI 2012 Q3 SP1

Cascading ComboBoxes/DropDownLists

The parameterMap of the child widget dataSource is called before the change event of the parent widget. Use the cascade event instead of the change event.

Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC

Removed the Slide effect. Use SlideIn instead.

Kendo UI 2012 Q3


  • The kendoMobileSwipe plugin is obsolete. Replace its usage with the touch widget.

  • The WebKit mask icons are now deprecated and font icons are used instead. If you have custom icons, they might break after the upgrade. If you have data-icon="custom" on them or use .km-icon to remove all non-custom icons, add the following CSS rule to fix them:

        .km-root .km-pane .km-view .km-custom {
            background-size: 100% 100%;
            -webkit-background-clip: border-box;
            background-color: currentcolor;
        .km-root .km-pane .km-view .km-custom:after,
        .km-root .km-pane .km-view .km-custom:before
            visibility: hidden;

    Additionally, the mask icons have to use background-color for colorization, while the font ones use color and custom colorization (but not on custom icons) have to be updated after the upgrade. For example, a rule like this:

        .km-ios .km-tabstrip .km-icon {
            background-color: rgb(20, 30, 40);

    has to be changed to:

        .km-ios .km-tabstrip .km-icon {
            color: rgb(20, 30, 40);


  • Widgets now require theme-specific stylesheets.

        <link href="styles/kendo.dataviz.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

    If using the Default skin, the above snippet should be updated to:

        <link href="styles/kendo.dataviz.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        <link href="styles/kendo.dataviz.default.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  • The missingValues defaults to "zero" for Area, Stacked Area and Stacked Line series. The previous default was "gap" which can lead to incorrect results.

Kendo UI 2012 Q2

All Widgets

All arrows have been renamed to better reflect their direction and size. For example:


For more information, refer to the demo on styling icons.


Popup-based widgets nested in other Popup-based widgets create their Popup container inside the Popup parent. This means that a DropDownList created inside an already initialized Menu will create its list inside the parent Popup of the Menu item.


  • The TreeView widget now depends on

  • Using the API methods will re-create the HTML of the nodes. To get the new reference to the nodes, use the return value of the methods.

         var foo = treeviewObject.findByText("foo");
         // starting with 2012 Q2, foo will point to a DOM node that is removed from the document
         foo.text("bar: foo");
         var foo = treeviewObject.findByText("foo");
         foo = treeviewObject.append(foo);
          foo.text("bar: foo");


Refresh() no longer invokes Read() of the DataSource.

    var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");
   var chart = $("#chart").data("kendoChart");;

Kendo UI 2012 Q1 (2012.1.322)

The combined kendo.all.js JavaScript file is available only in the Kendo UI Complete package. The corresponding file in Kendo UI Web is called kendo.web.js. Use it instead of kendo.all.js.


  • The kendo.model.js file has been removed. The content of the kendo.model.js file has been consolidated with the content.
  • is no longer a function. It is a field.

        var model = dataSource.get(42);
        var modelId =; //42
        var model = dataSource.get(42);
        var modelId =; //42
  • The DataSource contains ObservableObject instances instead of raw JavaScript objects.


The Grid widget is now using the uid field of the Model instead of the id. A new uid field is introduced to the DataSource Model, which represents its unique id. The Grid row data attribute has been changed to use this field. To retrieve a Model instance by its uid, the getByUid method of the DataSource should be used.

    <tr data-id="42"><!--...--></tr>
    <tr data-uid=”aaaaa-bbbbb-ddddd-gggg”><!--...--></tr>


  • The kendo.chart(.min).js file is replaced by kendo.dataviz(.min).js.

  • The axis orientation property is now deprecated in favor of the dedicated verticalLine and verticalArea Chart types.

  • The suite now requires kendo.dataviz.css to be included.

  • The Chart widget is now in the kendo.dataviz.ui namespace. Previously, it was part of kendo.ui.


The dataValueField and dataTextField configurations of the DropDownList, ComboBox, and AutoComplete are set to empty string by default. To revert to the previous behavior, list the fields manually:

        {text: "Item 1", value: "item1"},
        {text: "Item 2", value: "item2"}
        dataTextField: "text",
        dataValueField: "value",
        dataSource: [
            {text: "Item 1", value: "item1"},
            {text: "Item 2", value: "item2"}

See Also

In this article