
Returns a Range for the given range specification.


ref String
rowIndex Number
columnIndex Number
rowCount Number optional
columnCount Number optional

If the parameter is a string, it should represent an A1 or RC notation reference of the cells.

If the parameters are Numbers, the first two would represent the row index (the first parameter) and the column index (the second parameter) of the top-left cell of the range. If there are only two parameters, only one cell will be included in the range. If the other two Numbers are also present, they will represent the number of rows (the third parameter) and number of columns (the forth parameter) that would be included in the range, starting from the specified top-left cell. If the third or the forth parameter is set to 0 or 1, only one row / column will be included in the range.


kendo.spreadsheet.Range a range object, which may be used to manipulate the cell state further.

Example - Using string parameter

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">


    var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");

    var sheet = spreadsheet.activeSheet();

    // set contents of the A1:B2 range
    sheet.range("A1:B2").values([ [1, 2], [2, 3] ]);

Example - Using Number parameters

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

    var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");

    var sheet = spreadsheet.activeSheet();

    // select the B3:C6 range
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