
Loads the sheet from an object in the format defined in the sheet configuration.

The configuration and cell values will be merged. Note: the Sheet objects are not resizable. If you use this method you must make sure that the JSON does not contain more rows or columns than defined when the Spreadsheet object has been constructed. To reload a full spreadsheet from JSON, we recommend using Spreadsheet's fromJSON method.


data Object

The object to load data from. This should be the deserialized object, not the JSON string.

Example - Merge sheet data

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
<pre id="result"></pre>
    sheets: [{
      name: "Food Order",
      mergedCells: [
      rows: [{
        height: 70,
        cells: [{
          value: "Order #231", bold: "true", fontSize: 32, textAlign: "center"
      }, {
        height: 25,
        cells: [{
          value: "Product", bold: "true", textAlign: "center"
        }, {
          value: "Quantity", bold: "true", textAlign: "center"
        }, {
          value: "Price", bold: "true", textAlign: "center"
      columns: [{
        width: 200
      }, {
        width: 115
      }, {
        width: 115

  // Load sheet data
  var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");
  var sheet = spreadsheet.sheetByIndex(0);
    rows: [{
      index: 2,
      cells: [{
        value: "Calzone"
      }, {
        value: 1
      }, {
        value: 12.29, format: "$#,##0.00"
    }, {
      index: 3,
      cells: [{
        value: "Margarita"
      }, {
        value: 2
      }, {
        value: 9.11, format: "$#,##0.00"
In this article