Managed App Configuration

Users of Fiddler Everywhere often work in a secure corporate environment where specific configurations are imposed. That means that administrators need to have options to limit or hardcode particular features of the Fiddler Everywhere application. With the Fiddler Everywhere Enterprise tier and its Managed App Configuration feature, administrators can control a set of functionalities through device management solutions/software on macOS and Windows.

App Configuration on macOS

IT teams managing macOS systems can apply app configuration through the preferred administrative tooling (like Jamf, Intune, etc.) using the following keys:

Key Name    Description Value Type  Value to apply the key
DefaultProxyPort Sets the proxy port on which Fiddler Everywhere will try to start its proxy server. Value can be changed by users.   integer   A number between 0 and 65535
DisableProxyPortChange Disables the change of the Fiddler proxy port.   integer   1
DefaultBypassList Sets the default proxy bypass list. All listed endpoints will always bypass the Fiddler proxy and use the upstream proxy instead.    string   Add URLs with “;” in between
DisableBypassListChange Disables the change of the proxy bypass list. integer   1
DisableAllowRemoteDevicesToConnect Disables the option for remote devices to connect and use the Fiddler proxy. integer   1
DisableAnalytics Disables Fiddler's analytics   integer   1
DisableCloud Disables all interactions with the Fiddler Everywhere's cloud. This includes sharing, storing data in the cloud, and receiving data that was shared with the current user through our cloud.   integer   1
DefaultNetworkCaptureList A whitespace-separated list of CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) addresses plus port number values. Applicable only on macOS with the network capturing mode string A string that contains CIDR addresses separated by a white space
DefaultNetworkCaptureFilterList A whitespace-separated list of process IDs or process name values. When set, the network mode will capture only traffic from these processes. string A string that contains the process IDs or names separated by a white space (e.g. "13008 \"Google Chrome\"")
DisableNetworkCaptureSettingsChange Disables the option to modify all settings within the network capturing mode integer 1

Even with the DisableCloud in place, users need access to the required Fiddler Everywhere API endpoints. If your environment has limited internet access, consider using Fiddler's offline mode.

The following values are needed to set the mobile device management profile correctly:

Key      Value
Team ID CHSQ3M3P37
App Bundle ID com.progress-telerik.fiddler
Extension Bundle ID com.progress-Telerik.fiddler.fiddler-extension

DisableAllowRemoteDevicesToConnect Example Usage

Example for applying the app configuration through the defaults command. Note that we are using defaults for demonstration purposes only - in real-life scenarios, administrators will use security tooling and other configuration utilities.

defaults write com.progress-telerik.fiddler DisableAllowRemoteDevicesToConnect 1

The above restricts Fiddler Everywhere to local usage only and restricts remote devices from finding and using the Fiddler proxy.

DefaultProxyPort Example Usage

Example for applying the DefaultProxyPort key. The value must be set as an integer:

defaults write com.progress-telerik.fiddler DefaultProxyPort -integer 8899

The above explicitly sets the Fiddler Everywhere default proxy port to port 8899.

DefaultNetworkCaptureList Example Usage

Example for applying the DefaultNetworkCaptureList key with multiple CIDR addresses. The value must be set as a string:

defaults write com.progress-telerik.fiddler DefaultNetworkCaptureList " ::/0:443 ::/0:8084 ::1/128:4200"

App Configuration on Windows

IT teams managing Windows systems can apply app configuration keys through the preferred administrative tooling using the following Fiddler's registry path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Progress\Fiddler Everywhere

Fiddler Everywhere support both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If Fiddler's entities are present in both destinations, the app will preferably use the ones set in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Key Name         Description Regedit Value Type  Value to apply the key
DefaultProxyPort Sets the proxy port on which Fiddler Everywhere will try to start its proxy server. Value can be changed by users.  DWORD-32 (decimal)   A number between 0 and 65535
DisableProxyPortChange Disables the change of the default proxy port.   DWORD-32 (hexadecimal)   1
DefaultBypassList Sets the default proxy bypass list. All listed endpoints will always bypass the Fiddler proxy and use the upstream proxy instead.   String Value   Add URLs with “;” in between
DisableBypassListChange Disables the change of the proxy bypass list. DWORD-32 (hexadecimal)   1
DisableAllowRemoteDevicesToConnect Disables the option for remote devices to connect and use the Fiddler proxy. DWORD-32 (hexadecimal)   1
DisableAnalytics Disables Fiddler's analytics   DWORD-32 (hexadecimal)   1
DisableCloud Disables all interactions with the Fiddler Everywhere's cloud. This includes sharing, storing data in the cloud, and receiving data that was shared with the current user through our cloud.   DWORD-32 (hexadecimal)   1