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Getting Started with WPF OfficeNavigationBar

This tutorial will walk you through the creation of a sample application that contains a RadOfficeNavigationBar control.

Assembly References

To use RadOfficeNavigationBar, add references to the following assemblies:

  • Telerik.Windows.Controls
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation

Adding Telerik Assemblies Using NuGet

To use RadOfficeNavigationBar when working with NuGet packages, install the Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.for.Wpf.Xaml package. The package name may vary slightly based on the Telerik dlls set - Xaml or NoXaml

Read more about NuGet installation in the Installing UI for WPF from NuGet Package article.

Defining the RadOfficeNavigationBar

You can add RadOfficeNavigationBar manually in XAML as demonstrated in the following example:

Adding RadOfficeNavigationBar in XAML

WPF Empty RadOfficeNavigationBar

Adding Items

The RadOfficeNavigationBar control works with RadOfficeNavigationBarItem elements that are added to the Items collection of the control. These elements can be added both in XAML and in code.

Adding RadOfficeNavigationBarItems in XAML

        <telerik:RadOfficeNavigationBarItem Content="Item 1"/> 
        <telerik:RadOfficeNavigationBarItem Content="Item 2"/> 
        <telerik:RadOfficeNavigationBarItem Content="Item 3"/> 

Adding RadOfficeNavigationBarItems in code

RadOfficeNavigationBar radOfficeNavigationBar = new RadOfficeNavigationBar(); 
radOfficeNavigationBar.Items.Add(new RadOfficeNavigationBarItem() { Content = "Item 1" }); 
radOfficeNavigationBar.Items.Add(new RadOfficeNavigationBarItem() { Content = "Item 2" }); 
radOfficeNavigationBar.Items.Add(new RadOfficeNavigationBarItem() { Content = "Item 3" }); 
Dim radOfficeNavigationBar As RadOfficeNavigationBar = New RadOfficeNavigationBar() 
radOfficeNavigationBar.Items.Add(New RadOfficeNavigationBarItem() With { 
    .Content = "Item 1" 
radOfficeNavigationBar.Items.Add(New RadOfficeNavigationBarItem() With { 
    .Content = "Item 2" 
radOfficeNavigationBar.Items.Add(New RadOfficeNavigationBarItem() With { 
    .Content = "Item 3" 

RadOfficeNavigationBar with several RadOfficeNavigationBarItems defined in its Items collection

WPF RadOfficeNavigationBar with static items

The Content property of the RadOfficeNavigationBarItem element is of type object and it can contain values of any type. You can customize how the object is going to be visualized by creating a custom DataTemplate for the ContentTemplate property.

Data Binding

RadOfficeNavigationBar allows you to data bind it to a collection of business objects. To do so, bind the collection to the ItemsSource property of the control.

The following example will demonstrate a simple data binding scenario.

Simple business class

public class ItemModel 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
Public Class ItemModel 
    Public Property Name As String 
End Class 

Next, you can create a view model that will contain a collection of ItemModel objects.

View model containing ObservableCollection of ItemModel objects

public class ItemsViewModel 
    public ItemsViewModel() 
        this.ItemModels = new ObservableCollection<ItemModel> 
            new ItemModel() { Name = "Mail" }, 
            new ItemModel() { Name = "Calendar" }, 
            new ItemModel() { Name = "People" } 
    public ObservableCollection<ItemModel> ItemModels { get; set; } 
Public Class ItemsViewModel 
Public Sub New() 
ItemModels = New ObservableCollection(Of ItemModel) From { 
  New ItemModel() With { 
      .Name = "Mail" 
    New ItemModel() With { 
      .Name = "Calendar" 
    New ItemModel() With { 
      .Name = "People" 
End Sub 
Public Property ItemModels As ObservableCollection(Of ItemModel) 
End Class 

Now that you have prepared the needed sample data, it is time to bind it to the RadOfficeNavigationBar. To do so, set its ItemsSource property to the collection of ItemModel objects. Additionally, you can set DisplayMemberPath property to mark which property of the business object will be used as its visual representation inside RadOfficeNavigationBar.

Binding the collection to the ItemsSource property

    <telerik:RadOfficeNavigationBar ItemsSource="{Binding ItemModels}" DisplayMemberPath="Name"/> 
RadOfficeNavigationBar with a collection bound to its ItemsSource property

WPF RadOfficeNavigationBar with a collection bound to its ItemsSource property

Setting a Theme

The controls from our suite support different themes. You can see how to apply a theme different than the default one in the Setting a Theme help article.

Changing the theme using implicit styles will affect all controls that have styles defined in the merged resource dictionaries. This is applicable only for the controls in the scope in which the resources are merged.

  • Choose between the themes and add reference to the corresponding theme assembly (ex: Telerik.Windows.Themes.Windows8.dll). You can see the different themes applied in the Theming examples from our WPF Controls Examples application.

  • Merge the ResourceDictionaries with the namespace required for the controls that you are using from the theme assembly. For the RadOfficeNavigationBar, you will need to merge the following resources:

    • Telerik.Windows.Controls
    • Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation

The following example demonstrates how to merge the ResourceDictionaries so that they are applied globally for the entire application.

Merge the ResourceDictionaries

            <ResourceDictionary Source="/Telerik.Windows.Themes.Windows8;component/Themes/System.Windows.xaml"/> 
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/Telerik.Windows.Themes.Windows8;component/Themes/Telerik.Windows.Controls.xaml"/> 
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/Telerik.Windows.Themes.Windows8;component/Themes/Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.xaml"/> 

Alternatively, you can use the theme of the control via theStyleManager.

The following image shows a RadOfficeNavigationBar with the Windows8 theme applied.

RadOfficeNavigationBar with the Windows8 theme

WPF RadOfficeNavigationBar with the Windows8 theme

Telerik UI for WPF Learning Resources

See Also

In this article