
This help article covers the specific events exposed by the RadDocking control. The events are grouped by their general purpose.

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State Changed Events

  • ActivePaneChanged: Occurs when the ActivePane is changed. The passed event argument is of type ActivePangeChangedEventArgs.

    • ActivePangeChangedEventArgs: Exposes information about NewPane (activated) and OldPane (deactivated).
  • PaneStateChange: This event is fired whenever the state of the RadPane is changed (e.g., pin, unpin, close, show, etc.). The passed event argument is of type RadRoutedEventArgs. The modified RadPane element can be accessed via the OriginalSource property of the event arguments.

Pin\Unpin Events

  • PreviewUnpin: Occurs before the RadPane is unpinned. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

  • Unpin: Occurs when the RadPane is unpinned. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

  • PreviewPin: Occurs before the RadPane is pinned. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

  • Pin: Occurs when the RadPane is pinned. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

For example, when you unpin a RadPane, the events fire in this order:

  • PreviewUnpin
  • Unpin
  • PaneStateChange

Show\Hide Events

  • PreviewShow: Occurs before the RadPane is shown. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

  • Show: Occurs when the RadPane is shown. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

  • PreviewClose: Occurs before the RadPane is closed. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

  • Close: Occurs when the RadPane is closed. The passed event argument is of type StateChangeEventArgs.

PreviewClose and Close events are fired whenever you press the Close button.

PreviewShow and Show events are fired when you invoke the ShowAllPanes method of the RadPaneGroup class. This method will show all hidden panes.

When you close a floatable window, the "close" events fired in this order:

  • PreviewWindowClose
  • PreviewClose
  • WindowClose
  • Close

Compass Events

  • PreviewShowCompass: Occurs when the Compass is shown.

Save\Load Layout Events

  • ElementLoading: Raised when a docking element (Pane, PaneGroup or SplitContainer) is about to be loaded. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationLoadingEventArgs. Element loading can be canceled by setting the Cancel property from the event arguments.

  • ElementLoaded: Raised after a docking element (Pane, PaneGroup or SplitContainer) is loaded. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationEventArgs.

  • ElementLayoutSaving (introduced with R2 2016 of UI for WPF) - Raised when a docking element (Pane, PaneGroup or SplitContainer) starts saving. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationSavingEventArgs. Element layout saving can be canceled by setting the Cancel property from the event arguments.

  • ElementSaved: Raised after a docking element (Pane, PaneGroup or SplitContainer) is saved. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationEventArgs.

  • ElementLayoutCleaning (introduced with R2 2016 of UI for WPF) - Raised when a docking element (Pane, PaneGroup or SplitContainer) starts cleaning up. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationCleaningEventArgs. Element layout cleaning can be canceled by setting the Cancel property from the event arguments.

  • ElementCleaned: Raised after a docking element (Pane, PaneGroup or SplitContainer) is cleaned. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationEventArgs.

  • CustomElementLoading: Raised when a custom docking element (that derives from RadPane, RadPaneGroup or RadSplitContainer) is about to be loaded. The passed event argument is of type LayoutSerializationCustomLoadingEventArgs.

Elements are cleaned just before loading the layout: This operation is performed to prepare the Docking control for the new layout.

For more information about saving and loading RadDocking layout, take a look at the Save\Load Layout topic.

ElementCreated Events

  • ToolWindowCreated: Raised when a ToolWindow instance is internally auto-generated by RadDocking.

  • PaneGroupCreated: Raised when a PaneGroup instance is internally auto-generated by RadDocking.

  • SplitContainerCreated: Raised when a SplitContainer instance is internally auto-generated by RadDocking.

Using the ElementCreatedEventArgs provided by each of the above events, the user could get information about the root UIElement that raises the event and the newly generated element - ToolWindow, PaneGroup or SplitContainer.

The ElementCreated events are expected to be raised only when the PaneGroup, SplitContainer or ToolWindow are automatically and internally generated by RadDocking, not by the user. The events are not raised when RadDocking is initially loading.

Other Events

  • Loaded: Occurs when the RadDocking has been constructed and added to the object tree.
  • LayoutUpdated: Occurs when the layout of the visual tree changes.

See Also

In this article