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The RadCloudUpload control exposes the following events:

  • ItemStateChanged: It is raised when an item in the Items collection changes its state. In the handler of this event you can implement logic that can be executed when upload starts or upload ends. The arguments of this event are of type CloudUploadFileStateChangedEventArgs and expose the following members:

    • Item: This member is of type CloudUploadFile and holds the item which status is changed.

    • PreviousState and NewState: The type of these members is CloudUploadFileState and they hold the state in which the item was before the event was invoked and the state that the item will be after the event is invoked.

  • AddingFiles: It is raised when the Browse and AddFiles commands are invoked, either programmatically or through the respective buttons. You can use this event to cancel the creation of the default OpenFileDialog and use your custom logic to load a collection of files to be uploaded. The arguments of this event are of type AddingFilesEventArgs and expose the following members:

    • CancelDialogOpening: A boolean property which determines whether the opening of the default OpenFileDialog will be cancelled.

    • FileNames: A collection of strings which represents the paths of the files to be uploaded.

    A good example of how to use the AddingFiles event to replace the default OpenFileDialog with a RadOpenFileDialog can be found in this article.

See Also

In this article