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The RadCloudUploadListItem is part of the RadCloudUpload control. It visualizes the progress and the state of the uploaded file. It has few built-in buttons in its template, such as Upload, Cancel and Close. They control the uploading process.

While a file is uploading the Upload button will be collapsed or replaced by the Cancel button.

This is a visual control presenting a file upload and it contains no cloud-upload logic. All upload-related tasks like progress-tracking and cancellation are handled by a Provider.


The RadCloudUploadListItem control has several buttons in its template. By default the only button that is visible is the Close button. You can use the Buttons property to specify which of the available ones to be shown. This property is a flags enum of type CloudUploadListItemCommandButtons. Example 1 demonstrates how to set the property using an implicit style in XAML.

Example 1: Setting the Buttons property using an implicit style

<Style TargetType="telerik:RadCloudUploadListItem"> 
   <Setter Property="Buttons" Value="Upload,Cancel,Close" /> 

This property only toggles the buttons' visibility. It does not control the order of appearance. If you want to reorder the buttons, or add a custom ones you need to retemplate the control.

See Also

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