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Getting Started with WinUI NumericBox

This topic demonstrates how to start using RadNumericBox for WinUI.

Assembly References

In order to use the RadNumericBox in your projects, you have to add references to the following assembly:

  • Telerik.WinUI.Controls.dll
  • Telerik.Licensing.Runtime.dll

Defining a RadNumericBox

You can access the RadNumericBox control through an alias pointing to the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input namespace: xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"

Example 1: Adding a RadNumericBox in XAML

<Grid xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"> 
    <input:RadNumericBox Value="5" Minimum="1" Maximum="10" /> 

Figure 1: Result from Example 1

WinUI RadNumericBox

Watermark and WatermarkTemplate

The Watermark and WatermarkTemplate properties allow you to customize what is displayed when the Value of the control is not set.

Example 2: Setting the Watermark

<Grid xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"> 
    <input:RadNumericBox Watermark="Please, enter a number" /> 

Example 3: Setting the Watermark and WatermarkTemplate

<input:RadNumericBox Watermark="Please, enter a number" > 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" Foreground="Red" /> 

Figure 2: Result from Example 3

WinUI RadNumericBox with a watermark

Header and HeaderTemplate

The Header and HeaderTemplate properties allow you to customize the header of the control displayed above it.

Example 4: Setting the Header

<Grid xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"> 
    <input:RadNumericBox Header="My number" Value="5"> 

Example 5: Setting the Header and HeaderTemplate

<Grid xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"> 
    <input:RadNumericBox Header="My number" Value="5"> 
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" FontWeight="Bold" TextDecorations="Underline" /> 

Figure 3: Result from Example 5

WinUI RadNumericBox with a header

ValueFormat and ValueFormatSelector

The ValueFormat and ValueFormatSelector properties allow you to provide a custom format for the data. The ValueFormatSelector allows you to choose a format depending on the current value.

Example 5: Setting the ValueFormat

<Grid xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"> 
    <input:RadNumericBox x:Name="numericBox" Value="5" ValueFormat="{}{0:C}" /> 

Example 6: Setting the ValueFormatSelector

public sealed partial class MainPage : Page 
    public MainPage() 
        this.numericBox.ValueFormatSelector = new ValueFormatSelector(); 
public class ValueFormatSelector : Telerik.Core.IFormatSelector 
    public string GetFormat(object value) 
        if(double.Parse(value.ToString()) > 5) 
            return "{0:C}"; 
            return "{0:N}"; 

SmallChange and LargeChange

The SmallChange and LargeChange properties allow for customizing with how much the Value of the control is increased/decreased. The SmallChange is used when scrolling the mouse wheel while the control is focused and also when the up/down arrow keys are pressed. The LargeChange is used when the page up/page down keys are pressed.

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See Also

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