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Here are listed the properties affecting RadDateTimePicker:

  • DisplayMode
    • Standard (default): The control is displayed by two parts: Picker and Selector Popup.
    • Inline: The control displays only the Selector part, which is part of the main layout.
  • IsReadOnly (bool): Sets the button to read-only. Its default value is false.
  • MinValue (DateTime): Sets the minimum available date/time value for selection. Date/time with lower value will be disabled.

You can access the RadDateTimePicker control through an alias pointing to the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input namespace: xmlns:input="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Input"

<input:RadDateTimePicker x:Name="radDate"/> 

this.radDate.MinValue = new DateTime(2012, 9, 12); 
  • MaxValue (DateTime): Sets the maximum available date/time value for selection.
  • ValueString (string): Returns the selected date in its string representation, as it appears within the control.
  • Value (DateTime?): Gets or sets the currently selected DateTime. May be null as the property type is of type System.Nullable<DateTime>.
  • DisplayValueFormat (string): Sets the display format string for the date/time value. For example it could be "d-M-yyyy".
  • EmptyContent (object): Sets a value of the Selected Value field when it is empty.
  • EmptyContentTemplate (DataTemplate): Sets a custom template for an Empty Content template.
  • AutoSizeWidth (bool): Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the control will automatically change its width to match the width of the Selector Popup.
  • CalendarIdentifier (string): Gets or sets the calendar identifier.
  • CalendarLanguage (string): Gets or sets the language of the picker.
  • CalendarNumeralSystem (string): Gets or sets the numeral system of the picker.
  • Step (DateTimeOffset): Gets or sets the step that will be applied to the picker date/time lists. Each list will take the correspomding component fron the DateTimeOffset structure.
  • CalendarClockIdentifier (string): Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the clock will be 12 or 24-hour.
  • DayStepBehavior (StepBehavior): Gets or sets a value that defines how the step for the day component is interpreted.
  • MonthStepBehavior (StepBehavior): Gets or sets a value that defines how the step for the month component is interpreted.
  • YearStepBehavior (StepBehavior): Gets or sets a value that defines how the step for the year component is interpreted.

    The above properties are an enumeration of type StepBehavior that exposes the following values:

    • Multiples: All multiples of the current step are shown in the looping selector. If the step is 3, then the available values will be (0), 3, 6, 9...
    • StartFromBase: Each value in the looping selector is generated by adding the step value to each previous value starting from the base value. If the step is 3, and the base value is 1, then the available values will be 1, 4, 7...
    • BaseAndMultiples: The base (starting) value and all multiples are shown in the looping selector. If the step is 3, and the base value is 1, then the available values will be 1, 3, 6, 9...
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