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ValidateCell Command

The ValidateCell command provides an entry point for validating the content of a cell.

Execution Parameter

The execution parameter is of type ValidateCellContext that exposes the following properties:

  • CellInfo—Gets the cell information associated with the operation.
  • Errors—Gets or sets the errors (if any) that occurred during the validation.

Custom ValidateCell Command

The following examples show how to create a class that inherits from the DataGridCommand and add it to the Commands collection.

Create a Custom ValidateCell Command

public class CustomValicateCellCommand : DataGridCommand 
    public CustomValicateCellCommand() 
        this.Id = CommandId.ValidateCell; 
    public override bool CanExecute(object parameter) 
        var context = parameter as ValidateCellContext; 
        // put your custom logic here           
        return true; 
    public override void Execute(object parameter) 
        var context = parameter as ValidateCellContext; 
        // put your custom logic here          
        this.Owner.CommandService.ExecuteDefaultCommand(CommandId.ValidateCell, context);     

Add the Custom Command to the Commands Collection

<Grid xmlns:grid="using:Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid"> 
    <grid:RadDataGrid Width="600" Height="460" x:Name="grid" Hold> 

See Also

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