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The DelegateAggregateDescriptor allows you to define property look-up logic and a custom function that are applied over the property values of the DataGrid, which accumulates an aggregated result based on the component data.

To set up the DelegateAggregateDescriptor, use the following properties:

  • ValueLookup—Defines an IKeyLookup instance, which retrieves the value from the underlying ViewModel that is used for computing the aggregated value.
  • Function—Defines an IAggregateFunction instance that performs the aggregation of the values as specified by the ValueLookup property.
  • Format—Defines the string format that will be applied over the aggregated value.

To display the aggregates, set the AggregatesTemplate property of the DataGrid column that will display the value. The data context in the template is a collection of AggregateResult objects. Each AggregateResult contains the aggregated value and the value with the applied Format.

The following example shows how to implement the IKeyLookup and IAggregateFunction and use them with the DelegateAggregateDescriptor. You can get the aggregate values through the GetAggregateValue and GetAggregateValues methods of the IDataView interface.

  1. First, create a class that inherits from the IKeyLookup interface. It will return the values of a Value property that is of type double.

        public class CustomIKeyLookUp : IKeyLookup 
            public object GetKey(object instance) 
                var data = instance as MyDataModel; 
                return data.Value; 
  2. Then, implement a class that inherits from the IAggregateFunction interface. This function will return the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the Values property.

        public class MyAggregateFunction : IAggregateFunction 
            private double min = double.MaxValue; 
            private double max; 
            public object GetValue() 
                return this.max - this.min; 
            public void Accumulate(object value) 
                double val = Convert.ToDouble(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                this.min = Math.Min(this.min, val); 
                this.max = Math.Max(this.max, val); 
            public void Merge(IAggregateFunction aggregateFunction) 
                var myFunction = aggregateFunction as MyAggregateFunction; 
                if (myFunction != null) 
                    this.min = Math.Min(this.min, myFunction.min); 
                    this.max = Math.Max(this.max, myFunction.max); 
            public IAggregateFunction Clone() 
                return new MyAggregateFunction(); 
  3. Create a DelegateAggregateDescriptor and add it to the AggregateDescriptors collection of the DataGrid.

        <telerikGrid:RadDataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> 
                <telerikGrid:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Value"> 
                            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalAlignment="Center"> 
                                <TextBlock Text="Min/Max Delta:" /> 
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding [0].Value}" Margin="5 0 0 0" /> 
                        <local:CustomIKeyLookUp /> 
                        <local:MyAggregateFunction /> 
    The previous example uses the following namespaces:

    DataGrid with a Defined DelegateAggregateDescriptor


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