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Available NuGet Packages

Telerik UI for WinForms comes with several different packages that can be installed via the Telerik server or from a local package source:


The Telerik assemblies are built against different versions of .NET starting from .NET 4 to the latest official .NET. You should pick up this version of the NuGet package to install in your project that corresponds to the Target Framework that you are using in your project and that is available on your computer.

.NET 2.0 is last supported in the NuGet package version 2022.2.622.
.NET 4.0 is last supported in the NuGet package version 2024.1.312.
.NetCore is last supported in the NuGet package version 2024.1.312.

Full Packages

Telerik_UI_for_WinForms_<version number> contains .nupkg files for the following full packages:

  • UI.for.WinForms.AllControls.Net462
  • UI.for.WinForms.AllControls.Net48
  • UI.for.WinForms.AllControls.Net60
  • UI.for.WinForms.AllControls.Net70
  • UI.for.WinForms.AllControls.Net80
  • UI.for.WinForms.AllControls : Contains all available Telerik .NET Distributions

Each of these packages contains all Telerik UI for WinForms assemblies for the corresponding .NET Framework/ .NET Core/ .NET version.

Separate Packages

Telerik_UI_for_WinForms_<version number> contains .nupkg files for the separate packages for each Telerik assembly:

  • UI.for.WinForms.Common
  • UI.for.WinForms.GridView
  • UI.for.WinForms.PdfViewer
  • UI.for.WinForms.Scheduler
  • UI.for.WinForms.Theme
  • UI.for.WinForms.SyntaxEditor
  • .etc

Each of these packages contain the corresponding assemblies for all available Telerik .NET Distributions. In case the dll is dependent on another Telerik dll, the required package will be installed automatically.

As the AllControls package contains all UI controls and themes it should not be installed in projects having other packages containing the UI controls (e.g. UI.for.WinForms.Common etc.) or the UI.for.WinForms.Themes package. Either use the AllControls package or the packages of the separate controls and the themes.

Telerik NuGet Server Packages

There is an online package source that can be used to get Telerik NuGets.

See Also

In this article