Flash |
Flashes the specified window. It does not change the active state of the window. |
FlashUntilActive |
Flashes the specified window until it is activated. Note that if the window is currently active the flash will not begin. |
StopFlash |
Stops the flashing of the specified window. |
FlashCore |
Flashes the specified window. It does not change the active state of the window. |
SetOverlayIcon |
Applies an overlay to a taskbar button to indicate application status or a notification to the user. |
SetProgressState |
Sets the type and state of the progress indicator displayed on a taskbar button. |
SetProgressValue |
Displays or updates a progress bar hosted in a taskbar button to show the specific percentage completed of the full operation. |
SetThumbnailClip |
Selects a portion of a window's client area to display as that window's thumbnail in the taskbar. |
SetThumbnailTooltip |
Specifies or updates the text of the tooltip that is displayed when the mouse pointer rests on an individual preview thumbnail in a taskbar button flyout. |
ThumbBarSetImageList |
Specifies an image list that contains button images for a toolbar embedded in a thumbnail image of a window in a taskbar button flyout. |
MarkFullscreenWindow |
Marks a window as full-screen. |
AddTab |
Adds an item to the taskbar. |
DeleteTab |
Deletes an item from the taskbar. |
ActivateTab |
Activates an item on the taskbar. The window is not actually activated; the window's item on the taskbar is merely displayed as active. |
RegisterTab |
Informs the taskbar that a new tab or document thumbnail has been provided for display in an application's taskbar group flyout. |
UnregisterTab |
Removes a thumbnail from an application's preview group when that tab or document is closed in the application. |
SetTabProperties |
Allows a tab to specify whether the main application frame window or the tab window should be used as a thumbnail or in the peek feature under certain circumstances. |
SetTabOrder |
Inserts a new thumbnail into a tabbed-document interface (TDI) or multiple-document interface (MDI) application's group flyout or moves an existing thumbnail to a new position in the application's group. |
SetTabActive |
Informs the taskbar that a tab or document window has been made the active window. |
SetActiveAlt |
Marks a taskbar item as active but does not visually activate it. |