RadSyntaxEditor's Properties
Property | Description |
SyntaxEditorElement | Gets the syntax editor element. |
Document | Gets or sets the text document. |
TextFormatDefinitions | Gets the text format definitions. |
InputHandler | Gets or sets the component which is responsible for handling the input of RadSyntexEditor. |
AllowScaling | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow scaling. |
EditorFontSize | Gets or sets a value indicating the font size of the text editor. |
CaretColor | Gets or sets the caret color. |
CaretDisplayMode | Gets or sets the caret display mode. |
CaretWidth | Gets or sets the caret width when the DisplayMode is set to Normal. |
IsCaretVisible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is caret visible. |
Dispatcher | Gets the dispatcher objcect. |
Commands | Gets the commands available in the control. |
ScaleFactor | Gets or sets the scale factor. |
Palette | Gets or sets the palette of syntax elements' colors used for the RadSyntaxEditorElement instance. |
TaggersRegistry | Gets the taggers registry. |
UseShiftKeyInSelection | Gets or sets a value indicating whether using shift key in selection. |
IsSelectionEnabled | Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is selection enabled. |
ShowLineNumbers | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the line numbers are shown. (introduced in R1 2021 SP2) |
ShouldTaggersProcessEntireLines | Gets or sets a value whether the entire line should be processed by the taggers.(introduced in R2 2021) |
RadSyntaxEditorElement's Properties
Property | Description |
EditorFontFamily | Gets or sets a value indicating the font family of the text editor. |
EditorFontStyle | Gets or sets a value indicating the font style of the text editor. |
EditorFontWeight | Gets or sets a value indicating the font weight of the text editor. |
EditorFontStretch | Gets or sets a value indicating the font stretch of the text editor. |
CaretPosition | Gets the caret position. |
EditorPresenter | Gets the editor presenter. |
FoldingManager | Gets the folding manager. |
HorizontalScrollBar | Gets the horizontal scroll bar. |
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility | Gets or sets the horizontal scroll bar visibility. |
VerticalScrollBarVisibility | Gets or sets the vertical scroll bar visibility. |
IsReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the syntax editor is read only. |
Margins | Gets the margins. |
Selection | Gets the selection. |
RadSyntaxEditor's Methods
Method | Description |
Copy | Copies this instance. |
GetPointFromPosition | Gets the point from position. |
GetPositionFromPoint | Gets the position from point. |
MoveCurrentLineToTop | Moves the current line to top. |
PageDown | Pages down. |
PageUp | Pages up. |
SelectAll | Selects all. |
UpdateSelection | Updates the selection. |
ZoomIn | Zooms in. |
ZoomOut | Zooms out. |
ZoomTo | Zooms to particular zoom level. |
GetWordToLeft | Gets the text within the current word which is to the left of the caret. |
GetWordToRight | Gets the text within the current word which is to the right of the caret. |
GetText | Gets the text between the specified start and end positions. |
DeleteWordToRight | Deletes the word to right. |
DeleteWordToLeft | Deletes the word to left. |
As of R1 2021 RadSyntaxEditor offers a new method: GetPositionFromControlPoint. It expects a point relative to the control.
Selecting the word under the mouse on a single click
private void RadSyntaxEditor1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
CaretPosition clickPosition = this.radSyntaxEditor1.GetPositionFromControlPoint(e.Location);
CaretPosition start = new CaretPosition(clickPosition);
CaretPosition end = new CaretPosition(clickPosition);
this.radSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.Selection.Select(start, end);
Private Sub RadSyntaxEditor1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
Dim clickPosition As CaretPosition = Me.RadSyntaxEditor1.GetPositionFromControlPoint(e.Location)
Dim start As CaretPosition = New CaretPosition(clickPosition)
Dim [end] As CaretPosition = New CaretPosition(clickPosition)
Me.RadSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.Selection.[Select](start, [end])
End Sub
RadSyntaxEditor's Events
Method | Description |
CommandError | Occurs when a command has been canceled due to an error. |
CommandExecuted | Occurs when a command has been executed. |
CommandExecuting | Occurs when a command is about to be executed. |
DocumentChanged | Occurs when the current document has changed. |
DocumentChanging | Occurs when the current document is about to change. |
DocumentContentChanged | Occurs when the document's content has changed. |
DocumentContentChanging | Occurs when the document's content is about to change. |
IsReadOnlyChanged | Occurs when the IsReadOnly property of the control has changed. |
LayoutPropertiesChanged | Occurs when one of the layout related properties has changed. |
PreviewSyntaxEditorInput | Occurs when the control receives keyboard input. |
PreviewSyntaxEditorKeyDown | Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control |
PreviewSyntaxEditorKeyUp | Occurs before the KeyUp event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. |
PreviewSyntaxEditorMouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control. |
PreviewSyntaxEditorMouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control. |
ScaleFactorChanged | Occurs when the ScaleFactor of the control changes. |
ViewportChanged | Occurs when the viewport changes. This can happen when the control is resized, it is scrolled, or if its ScaleFactor changes. |
SelectionChanged | Occurs when the selection of the control changes. |