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RadSyntaxEditor's Properties

Property Description
SyntaxEditorElement Gets the syntax editor element.
Document Gets or sets the text document.
TextFormatDefinitions Gets the text format definitions.
InputHandler Gets or sets the component which is responsible for handling the input of RadSyntexEditor.
AllowScaling Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow scaling.
EditorFontSize Gets or sets a value indicating the font size of the text editor.
CaretColor Gets or sets the caret color.
CaretDisplayMode Gets or sets the caret display mode.
CaretWidth Gets or sets the caret width when the DisplayMode is set to Normal.
IsCaretVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is caret visible.
Dispatcher Gets the dispatcher objcect.
Commands Gets the commands available in the control.
ScaleFactor Gets or sets the scale factor.
Palette Gets or sets the palette of syntax elements' colors used for the RadSyntaxEditorElement instance.
TaggersRegistry Gets the taggers registry.
UseShiftKeyInSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether using shift key in selection.
IsSelectionEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is selection enabled.
ShowLineNumbers Gets or sets a value indicating whether the line numbers are shown. (introduced in R1 2021 SP2)
ShouldTaggersProcessEntireLines Gets or sets a value whether the entire line should be processed by the taggers.(introduced in R2 2021)

RadSyntaxEditorElement's Properties

Property Description
EditorFontFamily Gets or sets a value indicating the font family of the text editor.
EditorFontStyle Gets or sets a value indicating the font style of the text editor.
EditorFontWeight Gets or sets a value indicating the font weight of the text editor.
EditorFontStretch Gets or sets a value indicating the font stretch of the text editor.
CaretPosition Gets the caret position.
EditorPresenter Gets the editor presenter.
FoldingManager Gets the folding manager.
HorizontalScrollBar Gets the horizontal scroll bar.
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility Gets or sets the horizontal scroll bar visibility.
VerticalScrollBarVisibility Gets or sets the vertical scroll bar visibility.
IsReadOnly Gets or sets a value indicating whether the syntax editor is read only.
Margins Gets the margins.
Selection Gets the selection.

RadSyntaxEditor's Methods

Method Description
Copy Copies this instance.
GetPointFromPosition Gets the point from position.
GetPositionFromPoint Gets the position from point.
MoveCurrentLineToTop Moves the current line to top.
PageDown Pages down.
PageUp Pages up.
SelectAll Selects all.
UpdateSelection Updates the selection.
ZoomIn Zooms in.
ZoomOut Zooms out.
ZoomTo Zooms to particular zoom level.
GetWordToLeft Gets the text within the current word which is to the left of the caret.
GetWordToRight Gets the text within the current word which is to the right of the caret.
GetText Gets the text between the specified start and end positions.
DeleteWordToRight Deletes the word to right.
DeleteWordToLeft Deletes the word to left.

As of R1 2021 RadSyntaxEditor offers a new method: GetPositionFromControlPoint. It expects a point relative to the control.

Selecting the word under the mouse on a single click

private void RadSyntaxEditor1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    CaretPosition clickPosition = this.radSyntaxEditor1.GetPositionFromControlPoint(e.Location);

    CaretPosition start = new CaretPosition(clickPosition);

    CaretPosition end = new CaretPosition(clickPosition);

    this.radSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.Selection.Select(start, end);

    Private Sub RadSyntaxEditor1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
        Dim clickPosition As CaretPosition = Me.RadSyntaxEditor1.GetPositionFromControlPoint(e.Location)
        Dim start As CaretPosition = New CaretPosition(clickPosition)
        Dim [end] As CaretPosition = New CaretPosition(clickPosition)
        Me.RadSyntaxEditor1.SyntaxEditorElement.Selection.[Select](start, [end])
    End Sub

RadSyntaxEditor's Events

Method Description
CommandError Occurs when a command has been canceled due to an error.
CommandExecuted Occurs when a command has been executed.
CommandExecuting Occurs when a command is about to be executed.
DocumentChanged Occurs when the current document has changed.
DocumentChanging Occurs when the current document is about to change.
DocumentContentChanged Occurs when the document's content has changed.
DocumentContentChanging Occurs when the document's content is about to change.
IsReadOnlyChanged Occurs when the IsReadOnly property of the control has changed.
LayoutPropertiesChanged Occurs when one of the layout related properties has changed.
PreviewSyntaxEditorInput Occurs when the control receives keyboard input.
PreviewSyntaxEditorKeyDown Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control
PreviewSyntaxEditorKeyUp Occurs before the KeyUp event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control.
PreviewSyntaxEditorMouseLeftButtonDown Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control.
PreviewSyntaxEditorMouseRightButtonDown Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the control.
ScaleFactorChanged Occurs when the ScaleFactor of the control changes.
ViewportChanged Occurs when the viewport changes. This can happen when the control is resized, it is scrolled, or if its ScaleFactor changes.
SelectionChanged Occurs when the selection of the control changes.

See Also

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