Element Structure and Document Object Model
The document object model of RadAutoCompleteBox is represented by the LineInfo class and the ITextBlock interface. The LineInfo class contains logical information about the start and end block of the line and its size. The ITextBlock interface exposes layout information of single word. Notice that the elements which implement ITextBlock interface should be inheritors of RadElement.
The visual element structure of the RadTextBoxControlElement is presented on the following diagram:
Figure 1: The elements used in RadAutoCompleteBox
TextBoxViewElement represents a viewport that is responsible for the layout and arrangement of all text blocks. It executes layout algorithms for single, multi-line and word wrap layout. It inherits from ITextBlock.
TokenizedTextBlockElement – represented a tokenized set of words determined by the RadAutoCompleteBox’s delimiter.
TextBlockElement represents a single word, which is rendered on the viewport.
Depending on how the content of the editor is changed, one or more instances of ITextBlock can be merged into a single instance. Notice that TextBlockElement cannot be merged with TokenizedTextBlockElement.